We analyzed clinicopathologic characteristics of invasive breast carcinomas, where both hormone receptor positivity and c-erb B2 overexpression were detected by immunohistochemical methods. The rate of hormone receptor positivity for invasive breast carcinomas with c-erb B2 overexpression was 27.61% (66/239). The majority of the cases showed high levels of immunopositivity for hormone receptors. The mean age of patients was 52.96 while pre and postmenopausal patients were equal in number. The vast majority of the cases were high grade-invasive ductal carcinomas of low stages. Of 36 cases with available clinical follow-up, 8 displayed either local recurrence or distant metastasis in a relatively short duration (1-17 months). Our findings reveal that invasive breast carcinomas with both hormone receptor positivity and overexpression of c-erb B2 have a tendency to occur in premenopausal patients and have adverse prognostic characteristics even at low stages.