Turkish Journal of Pathology

Türk Patoloji Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Pathology

Turkish Journal of Pathology

2013, Vol 29, Num, 2     (Pages: 122-126)

Diagnostic Contribution of Postmortem Needle Biopsies in Neonates

Özgü Suna CELİLOĞLU 1, Can CELİLOĞLU 1, Erdal KURNAZ 2, Ramazan ÖZDEMİR 2, Ahmet KARADAĞ 2

1 Department of Children's Health and Diseases, Adana Kozan State Hospital, ADANA, TÜRKİYE
2 Department of Children's Health and Diseases, İnönü University, Faculty of Medicine, MALATYA, TURKEY

DOI: 10.5146/tjpath.2013.01162
Viewed: 3841
Downloaded : 1819

Objective: We examined the contribution of neonatal postmortem needle biopsy in circumstances of autopsy denial where magnetic resonance imaging cannot be performed.

Material and Method: 247 postmortem needle biopsy specimens of 76 neonatal cases who died in the neonatal intensive care ward of a tertiary hospital between 2005 and 2010 and where the family did not give permission for an autopsy were retrospectively evaluated.

Results: 90 needle biopsy attempts (36.4%) were unsuccessful among the 247 biopsies. Liver needle biopsies were found to yield the most valuable diagnostic contribution. A total of 53 liver biopsies provided clinical information that contributed to the diagnosis.

Conclusion: The postmortem needle biopsy should be applied in all cases in which standard biopsy cannot be performed. Success rates and level of information gained by extrahepatic needle organ biopsies in neonates were found to be quite low whereas needle biopsies of the liver yielded valuable results. We believe it is more appropriate to perform percutaneous postmortem biopsies solely on the liver in neonates.

Keywords : Postmortem diagnosis, Needle biopsy, Newborn