Turkish Journal of Pathology

Türk Patoloji Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Pathology

Turkish Journal of Pathology

2014, Vol 30, Num, 1     (Pages: 066-068)

Malignant Pilomatricoma: Two New Observations and Review of the Relevant Literature

Mohamed ALLAOUI 1, Elie HUBERT 2, Jean-Jacques MICHELS 1

1 Department of Biopathology, François Baclesse Cancer Center, CAEN, FRANCE
2 Department of Pathology, Louis Pasteur Hospital, CHERBOURG, FRANCE

DOI: 10.5146/tjpath.2013.01205
Viewed: 6805
Downloaded : 1954

Malignant pilomatricoma or pilomatrical carcinoma is a rare malignant hair follicle neoplasm. This tumor is locally aggressive with increased tendency to recur, but a low metastatic potential. Its histopathological diagnosis is difficult and based on a detailed evaluation of the infiltrative nature, the importance of the mummified and necrotic cell component, atypical mitoses, and perineural or vascular invasion. Surgical wide resection is the recommended treatment. It reduces the risk of focal recurrence by 50%. Here we report two new cases including one that occurred on a lesion initially diagnosed as benign pilomatricoma.

Keywords : Pilomatrixoma, Hair follicle, Adnexal and skin appendage neoplasms