Turkish Journal of Pathology

Türk Patoloji Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Pathology

Turkish Journal of Pathology

2016, Vol 32, Num, 3     (Pages: 211-215)

Adrenocortical Oncocytic Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of the Histopathologic Diagnostic Criteria

Deniz ARIK 1, Funda CANAZ 1, Emine DÜNDAR 1

1 Department of Pathology, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Faculty of Medicine, ESKİŞEHİR, TURKEY

DOI: 10.5146/tjpath.2014.01250
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Oncocytic tumors are rare in the adrenal gland. The histopathological diagnosis of adrenocortical carcinoma is difficult due to the lack of precise diagnostic criteria for malignancy. A 44-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with left flank pain. Radiologically an adrenal mass was detected. After the excision and histopathologic evaluation of the mass, a diagnosis of adrenocortical oncocytic carcinoma was made. At least one of the features of more than 5 mitoses in 50 high power fields, atypical mitotic figures or venous invasion is required for the diagnosis of malignancy in adrenocortical tumors. It has been suggested that tumors that have more than one of the minor criteria of large size (>10 cm or >200 gr), necrosis, capsular or sinusoidal invasion, should be evaluated as having uncertain malignant potential.

Keywords : Adrenal gland neoplasms, Adrenocortical carcinoma, Oxyphil cells