Turkish Journal of Pathology

Türk Patoloji Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Pathology

Turkish Journal of Pathology

2015, Vol 31, Num, 0     (Pages: 018-033)

Pitfalls in the Cytological Assessment of Thyroid Nodules

Şule Canberk 1, Pınar Fırat 2, Fernando Schmitt 3,4

1 Department of Pathology, 1Haydarpasa Numune Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
2 Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
3 Department of Pathology and Medicine, Laboratoire National de Sante, Luxembourg
4 Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto (IPAT IMUP), Porto, Portugal

DOI: 10.5146/tjpath.2015.01312
Viewed: 3921
Downloaded : 12643

Fine needle aspiration of thyroid has been used for years in a multidisciplinary approach, to diagnose different entities, in preventing over or under treatment of thyroid nodules. The widespread use of this methodology can be confirmed if “thyroid fine needle aspiration” is searched on PubMed, which results in over 5000 papers. In this manuscript, we aimed to focus on pitfalls in the evaluation of thyroid aspirations, covering cystic, inflammatory lesions, follicular lesions, oncocytic lesions, papillary carcinoma, and medullary carcinoma of thyroid.

Keywords : Thyroid, Fine needle aspiration, Cytology, Thyroid nodule, Thyroid cancer