Development of intestinal metaplasia due to the inflammatory process in Helicobacter pylori gastritis is a well-known fact. It has been additionally postulated that intestinal metaplasia, especially type III is a possible etiologic factor for gastric carcinogenesis. For this reason, it is important to diagnose and follow up cases with type III intestinal metaplasia. The goals of this study were to determine the rate of intestinal metaplasia and the distribution of subgroups, as well as to reveal the contribution of Gomori aldehyde fuchsin-alcian blue stain in diagnosing the type of intestinal metaplasia. A total of 1328 gastric biopsies were examined retrospectively. Intestinal metaplasia were recognized in 254 cases (19%) of which 79 cases were found to be due to Helicobacter pylori. Of these, the rates of type I, II and III intestinal metaplasia were found as 68%, 38% and 11%, respectively. It is concluded that Gomori aldehyde fuchsin-alcian blue stain is effective to reveal and typing of intestinal metaplasia, being highly economic and much less toxic than high iron diamine-alcian blue.