Turkish Journal of Pathology

Türk Patoloji Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Pathology

Ankara Patoloji Bülteni Archive

2001, Vol 18, Num, 3     (Pages: 013-017)

Correlation of two methods in glomerular area measurement in zero hour renal biopsies

Sait Şen1, Bülent Celasun2

1Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, Bornova-İZMİR
2Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademesi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, Etlik - ANKARA

Measurement of glomerular area and volume are important parameters for nephropathology. Among these parameters, most frequently used is the maximal planer area (MPA). Because of some problems for needle biopsies different methods are offered. W e propose that mean glomerular area (MGA) can be used instead of MPA which is advised by Newbold et all. And we also propose that there's relationship between glomerular tuft and capsular area values. We have measured glomerular tuft and capsular areas of zero hour biopsies by using MPA and MGA methods. We have searched the correlation of parameters between each other and also studied relationship of MGA between age and sex MGA and MPA, glomerular tuft and capsular area correlated with each other. Glomerular size did not correlate with age and sex.

For needle kidney biopsies MGA can be used instead of MP A. Measurement of glomerular capsular area is easier than glomerular tuft, so that can be used. In this study relationship of MGA with age and sex has not been found.

Keywords : Bazal transplant böbrek biopsisi, sıfır saat biopsi, glomerül, morfometri, planer alan, böbrek hastalıkları, Baseline renal transplant biopsy, zero hour biopsy, glomerulus, morphometry, planer area, kidney diseases