The correlation of P-gylcoprotein secretion and Ki-67 proliferative activity with multiple prognostic factors in renal cell carcinoma
In our study the histological sections of 77 cases with a diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma were reviewed according to tumor grade, stage, cell type, microscopic pattern and other prognostic factors in the Pathology Department of Uludağ University School of Medicine.
41 Patients were male and 36 were female. The youngest patient was 40 years old and the oldest patient was 70 (mean age 60) 58 cases were stage I, 14 stage II, four stage III and one stage IV .
A positive correlation between the tumor stage and grade was found with Fisher's exact test, 29 of the patient's were followed-up by the Urology Clinic of our University Hospital.
The correlation of P-glycoprotein secretion and Ki-67 proliferative activity with multipl prognostis factors were evaluated by immunohistochemical staining method in 29 cases with known prognosis.
Sections obtained from routinely fixed and paraffin embedded material were stained immunohistochemically for P-glycoprotein (DAKO's product no: 3522) and Ki-67 (DAKO's product no: N1574).
P-glycoprotein staining was observed in the cells as cytoplasmic, lumenal or paranuclear and Ki-67 staining was nuclear.
Two cases with grade I tumors were negative for P-glycoprotein sectetion whereas the other cases exhibited variabl positivity.
No statiistiçal correlation was found between P-glycoprotein, Ki-67 proliferative activity and multiple prognostic factors in the cases with a 2-year follow-up. It was concluded thet although P-glycoprotein secretion was associated with drug resistance, it was not related to prognosis.