Turkish Journal of Pathology

Türk Patoloji Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Pathology

Ankara Patoloji Bülteni Archive

1999, Vol 16, Num, 1     (Pages: 033-035)

Recurring calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor

Ayhan Özcan**, Aziz Aksu***, Bülent Celasun**, Rıfkı Finci**

*Bu çalışma XII. Ulusal Patoloji Kongresinde poster bilidirisi olarak sunulmuştur.
**Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı,Ankara ***Mareşal Fevzi Çakmak Askeri Hastanesi,Erzurum

Difficulties of differential diagnosis between epitheliod angosarcoma and anaplastic carcinoma in thyroid gland In this study, a case of a malignant thyroid tumor in a 60 years old male man presented. The tumor showed morphological and immunohistochemical evidence of endothelial differantiation Strong immunoreactivity for both Q BEND/10 and high molecular weight keratin (AE3) in neoplastic cells with epitheloid apperance have been detected. Primary angiosarcoma of the thyroid is a controversial subject. Some authors contend that most of these tumors were anaplastic carcinomas. In our case, the findings support a diagnosis of epithelioid angiosarcoma.

Keywords : Tiroid, epiteloid anjiyosarkoma