Turkish Journal of Pathology

Türk Patoloji Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Pathology

Ankara Patoloji Bülteni Archive

1999, Vol 16, Num, 1     (Pages: 043-045)

The importance of autopsy in medical malpractise claims

M. Hakan Özdemir1, Necmi Çekin2, Mete K. Gülmen2

1Sağlık Bakanlığı Yüksek Sağlık Şurası Şube Müdürlüğü,Ankara 2Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı,Adıyaman

The importance of autopsy in medical malpractise claims Physicians aim in their medical interventions to relieve the pain, re-establish the health of their patient and provide them healthy living status. However inspite of their medical labor a patient can deteriorate or even die. In some of those cases; health personel may be accused of being defaulty or defective in their medical practice. In order to hold of the phsician responsible, besides of the act being defaulty and contrary to law, there must be a harm to the patient and this must be due to malpractice.

In this article, a case that was refered to The High Health Council is presented in order to emphasize the importance of autopsy in medical malpractice claims. In this case; a child was brought to the emercency room, with the complaint of abdominal pain. He was said to be normal after careful physical examination, given supportive medication and sent home. Two hours later, the child died. The patient's family brought a complaint against the doctor, who dealt with him. General practitioner reported the case as forensic and did not prepare the burial licence, however the forensic medicine specialist declared that the case was not forensic and, postmortem examination was unneccessary. The burial licence was prepared.

The cases like this one, where the diagnosis is uncertain may cause legal problems. Those kind of cases; although the diagnosis was uncertain. This brings the responsibilities of physicians into discussion. Determining the reality and/or the evidences that can acguit the doctor can only be obtained by autopsy. In the light of this case, the importance of autopsy will be discussed.

Keywords : Malpraktis, Hekim Sorumluluğu, Otopsi, Adli Vaka.