Objective: Our aim was to find out the correlation between histopathological findings and survival of patients with renal cell carcinoma.
Material and Method: We examined 114 cases diagnosed as renal cell carcinoma at the Pathology Department in 1997 - 2007. We explored the correlation of histological type, size, Fuhrman nuclear grade, renal capsule invasion, renal vein and lymphatic/vascular invasion, tumoral necrosis and stage with survival.
Results: Histological subtypes were determined as clear cell in 101 cases (88,6%) , papillary in 9 cases (7,9%), and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma in 4 cases (3,5%). Reliable follow-up data were available in 96 of 114 cases. 74 of them (77,1%) were alive and 22 of them (22,9%) had died related to renal cell carcinoma. The mean follow-up time was 21,5 months with a wide range between 2 days and 87 months. 5 year survival was 61,3 months, and its probability was 58,2%.
Conclusion: We provide statistical results compatible with the recent literature in regard to high Fuhrman nuclear grade, advanced stage, necrosis, capsule invasion, microvascular invasion and lymph node invasion decreasing the survival time.