Turkish Journal of Pathology

Türk Patoloji Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Pathology

Turkish Journal of Pathology

2019, Vol 35, Num, 2     (Pages: 134-138)

Usefulness of WhatsApp for Discussing Difficult Cases in Pathology Practice: A Moroccan Experience

Amal BENNANI 1, Mohammed SEKAL 2

1 Department of Pathology, Mohamed I University, OUJDA, MOROCCO
2 Mohamed Benabdellah University, FES, MOROCCO

DOI: 10.5146/tjpath.2018.01441
Viewed: 2790
Downloaded : 1137

Objective: The primary aim of the study was to evaluate whether the WhatsApp application can be used for obtaining a quick second opinion on histopathological and cytological diagnosis and also for discussing difficult cases in pathology practice.

Material and Method: A WhatsApp group named “FESPATH” was created with total of 17 pathologists (the authors of this manuscript as group administrators and 15 general pathologists from 7 different cities in Morocco, working in 12 different institutions as members). The group was used to discuss difficult routine sign out cases, to obtain a second opinion. Pathology-related academic files, books and links were also shared. At the end of 20 months, members were asked to complete a feedback questionnaire.

Results: Over a 20-month period, 86 cases were discussed with 515 posted pictures. 78 cases were related to histopathology, and 8 cases to cytopathology. Twenty-one links regarding educational materials and books were also shared. A total of 14 participants out of 17 were active participants, and the majority of them found the discussions very useful for overcoming challenging cases.

Conclusion: Sharing microphotographs of histopathological or cytological cases via WhatsApp is a very easy and fast method to obtain a second opinion in pathology practice and also to discuss difficult cases.

Keywords : Pathology, Smartphone, Second opinion, WhatsApp, Social media