Turkish Journal of Pathology

Türk Patoloji Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Pathology

Turkish Journal of Pathology

2004, Vol 20, Num, 3-4     (Pages: 054-056)


AKTAŞ Safiye 1, DİNİZ Gülden 1, ORTAÇ Ragıp 1

1 İzmir Dr. Behçet Uz Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi Hastanesi Patoloji Laboratuarı

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Although tissue microarray method is a current issue in pathology research, it is not widely used in routine procedures. The main reasons are the worry of the representability of the microarray of the whole tissue and the limited knowledge about the method. The increasing numbers of diagnostic and prognostic immunohistochemical parameters had become a high economic problem. There is need of confidence studies of tissue microarray for representability. The aim of this study to evaluate the confidence of tissue microarray for imfnunohistochemistry of LCA, CD20, CD3, CD30 in pediatric diffuse Non-Hodgkin lymphomas.

The typical tumor spo was chosen under microscopy for each of 20 cases in HE stained slides and marked on the corresponding spot on the tissue block. Cylindrical tissue columns of two mm diameter for all cases were punctured manually with a biopsy needle. The rebiopsies of 20 cases were arrayed in a new block using a guide. Serial sections in 3 micrometer thickness were taken and immunohistochemical procedure for LCA, CD20, CDS, CD30 i was applied. The results were statistically evaluated by confidence test.

All of the rebiopsied cases were LCA positive, CD20, CD30, CDS were correlated with routine procedure results. The confidence rate is 100%.

The tissue microarray method is reliable for immunohistochemistry in pediatric diffuse Non-Hodgkin lymphomas. The diffuse nature and uniform cellular composition of this tumor group might have played an important role.

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