Turkish Journal of Pathology

Türk Patoloji Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Pathology

Turkish Journal of Pathology

2009, Vol 25, Num, 3     (Pages: 059-070)

Gleason Grading System, Modifications and Additions to the Original Scheme

Dilek ERTOY BAYDAR 1, Jonathan I. EPSTEIN 2

1 Departments of Pathology, Urology and Oncology, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, MD, USA

DOI: 10.5146/tjpath.2009.01157
Viewed: 13116
Downloaded : 8068

Histologic grade remains one of the most useful predictors of prognosis of prostate cancer. The Gleason scoring is now the only grading method recommended by the World Health Organization for prostatic carcinoma. While the basic principles of the Gleason grading remain relatively unchanged since it was established, several important modifications have been recently proposed to solve the controversial issues, to achieve higher concordance between the pathologists and to increase the prognostic utility of the system. This review provides a simplified approach to the application of the Gleason grading system in contemporary pathology practice and gives an update of the recent modifications taking into account several latest position papers.

Keywords : Prostate cancer, Gleason grading, Modification