Objective: The Turkish Ministry of Health started a community-based screening program using Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) DNA in 2014. In our study, we aimed to investigate the results of this survey in Çorum province between the years of 2016-17 to determine the shortcomings and deficiencies in practice.
Material and Method: All of the women between the ages of 30 and 65 years who had undergone High risk HPV DNA screening in Çorum province between 2016 and 2017 were included in the study. High risk HPV types were divided into three categories as type 16, 18 and others. The target group of patients to be screened were compared with the numbers reached in the survey. After colposcopic biopsy, the clinicopathological correlation of the patients who underwent colposcopic biopsy was determined via pathology reports.
Results: HPV DNA was detected in 817 women (3.5%). HPV types 16, 18 and others were found to be positive in 216, 32 and 569 individuals, respectively. Cervical biopsy was performed with colposcopy in 212 (26%) women. As the result of colposcopy, LSIL and HSIL were detected in 63 and 56 patients, respectively. 34.5% of patients with the diagnosis of any kind of dysplasia received treatments.
Conclusion: It was determined that 44% of HPV DNA-positive patients were not subjected to the appropriate processes according to the national guidelines. This shows that despite the screening, the desired therapeutic effect could not be achieved.