The need for high-level molecular knowledge in modern pathology applications is rising everyday. Related data yield very rapidly by applying complex molecular techniques to the diagnostic biologic materials. The accurate application of methods in pathology depends on optimum material sampling. If the chosen technique is a molecular level application such as micro-hybridization, genomic expression, or mutation screening, the sampling target goes as small as a single specific cell. The value of most sophisticated molecular testing methods will be limited if the input DNA, RNA or protein is not derived from pure population of target cells or is contaminated by non-target cells. In this article, the microdissection technique for even the smallest cell of the human body or the functional units such as gland, follicle and glomerulus in prepared material from the biologic material sampled for rutin cyto/histo-pathologic diagnosis under the visual control is detailed, and subsequent DNA-probe preparation for insitu hybridization following DOP-PCR amplification of extracted DNA is demonstrated.