Turkish Journal of Pathology

Türk Patoloji Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Pathology

Turkish Journal of Pathology

2001, Vol 17, Num, 1-2     (Pages: 011-013)


YILDIZ Levent 1, AYDIN Oğuz 1, KURT Kamile 1, BARIŞ Sancar 1, KARAGÖZ Filiz 1, KANDEMİR Bedri 1

1 Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, Samsun

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Classical studies on placental histochemistry revealed linear iron deposits in the placenta of normal first half gestation. These studies described normal third-trimester placentas lacking this type of deposits. In this study 22 normal term placentas, 15 first trimester placentas of undesired pregnancy, 11 from pregnancies associated with fetal anomalies, and 17 placentas of molar pregnancies were examined by Perl’s Prussian Blue for iron deposits in light microscope. In normal first trimester and terminal pregnancies, the placental iron deposits are present as linear granular deposits in the trophoblastic basement membrane (% 6.60 and %13.60 of cases, respectively, and average percentage of affected villi was %5 and %8 respectively). In the presence of fetal anomalies, the iron deposition is markedly increased in the trophoblastic basement membrane (%45.50 of cases). In these cases average percentage of villus involvement was %42.40. There was no iron deposits in the molar pregnancies. It is concluded that granular iron deposits in the trophoblastic basement membrane are normally present, gradually decreasing in the progress of normal pregnancies. Increased iron deposit in the placenta is a pathologic finding and may be associated with fetal anomalies.

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