In the gut, glomus tumors are most commonly found in the stomach[2], and a great majority of gastric glomus tumors occurs in the antrum[5,7], as seen in our patient. Miettinen et al.[7] found a significant female predominance in their study and our patient was also female.
Although massive[6] and multiple[8] gastric glomus tumors have been reported, glomus tumors are usually 2 to 3 cm small,[1,7], and solitary[9] lesions. The tumor in the current case was 2 cm in greatest diameter.
Glomus tumors are positive for SMA[2,5,7-14] and vimentin[2,7,8,10-14] and negative for keratin[1,2,5,7,9,11,12,14], desmin[2,7-12,14], S-100[1,2,5,7,9,12,14], chromogranin A[1,7,8,10-12], and CD117[2,5,7,11-13]. In this case, tumor cells were diffusely positive for SMA and vimentin, but negative for keratin, desmin, S-100, chromogranin A, and CD117.
Immunostains with antibodies to synaptophysin[1,11,12] and CD34[5,9,11] are usually negative; however, focal synaptophysin[7] and/or CD34[7,13] positivity have been reported as seen in our tumor.
Gastric glomus tumors must be differentiated from epithelioid GIST , carcinoid tumor, paraganglioma and epithelioid leiomyoma.
Dilated veins or capillaries seen in epithelioid GIST s are not similarly prominent or typically seen in most glomus tumors. Epithelioid GIST s are positive for CD117 and very often (70%) for CD34 and are more commonly negative than positive for SMA[7]. This tumor was CD117 negative, focal CD34 positive and diffuse SMA positive.
Histologically, carcinoid tumor is composed of uniform round cells, similar to glomus tumor. Carcinoid cells are positive for keratins, chromogranin A and synaptophysin[7]. In the presented case, the former two antigens were never expressed and the latter was rarely expressed by the glomus tumor cells.
Some variants of paraganglioma can closely mimic solid variant of the glomus tumor. However, paragangliomas are strongly positive for chromogranin A and synaptophysin. Paragangliomas also typically have S-100 protein positive sustentacular cells that are absent in glomus tumor[7]. In this case, chromogranin A and S-100 were negative and synaptophysin was focal positive.
Some authors suggest that epithelioid leiomyoma and glomus tumor are indistinguishable. In any event, a smooth muscle tumor is usually positive for desmin, whereas it is often negative in glomus tumor[11], similar to our case.
Most gastric glomus tumors are benign[2,4,5,7], but rare cases have resulted in metastasis and death[2]. Occasionally, glomus tumors display unusual features such as large size, deep location, infiltrative growth, mitotic activity, nuclear pleomorphism and necrosis[13]. Folpe et al.[13] published a proposal for classifying glomus tumor. Malignant glomus tumor is applied to tumors with a deep localization and a size >2 cm in diameter, atypical mitotic figures or a moderate to high nuclear grade, and >5 mitoses per 50 HPF. Symplastic glomus tumor indicates tumors with high nuclear grade in the absence of any other malignant features. Glomus tumor of uncertain malignant potential is applied to those that lack criteria for malignant glomus tumor or symplastic glomus tumor but have high mitotic activity and one of the following: superficial location, large size or deep localization. Glomangiomatosis refers to tumors with histological features of diffuse angiomatosis and excess glomus cells.
The gastric site was classified as a deep site as one factor denoting potential malignancy[13]. However, gastric glomus tumors should not be equated with tumors situated in deep peripheral soft tissues, and they should be considered a separate site-related category[7].
The tumor in our case was 2 cm in greatest diameter without atypia and with low mitotic activity (1 mitotic figure/50 HPF). The patient is well with no recurrence over a 2.5 year follow-up since surgery. Nevertheless, long-term follow-up of this patient is necessary.
Approximately 130 cases of gastric glomus tumor have been reported in the literature[5]. This case is valuable due to its rarity. Determining of differential diagnosis and prognosis of these tumors in detail will shed further light on this entity.
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