Figure 1: Thorax CT showing mass lesion 7x9 cm in diameter located in the anterior mediastinum
Macroscopically, creamy-brown-yellowish colored encapsulated specimen with a smooth surface was received measuring 9x7.5x6 cm in size with attached fibrofatty tissue. On cut section a tumor mass was seen 7.5x5.5 cm in diameter with extensive necrosis, infarctions, haemorrhagic and cystic degenerations and encapsulated with a fine capsule measuring 0.3 cm in width.
Microscopically, sections from restricted areas within the extensive necrosis, infarctions, cystic and haemorrhagic changes, the tumor cells were spindle and/or oval-shaped with bland nuclei, dispersed chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli; they were arranged in a storiform pattern or prominent rosettes without a central lumen (Figure 2A). The tumor had no lymphocytes and showed neither distinct lobules nor dissecting fibrous bands as seen in other types of thymoma. The epithelial component within the necrotic areas or in the viable areas did not show any evidence of atypia or mitotic activity. Vaso-occlusive and thombotic phenomena were present (Figure 2B). There was significant neuroendocrine morphology as well as evident rosette formation without a central lumen. Therefore, differential diagnosis was made among type A thymoma and thymic spindle cell atypical carcinoid tumor. For the purpose of differential diagnosis, immunohistochemical studies with neuroendocrine markers were used. Neuroendocrine differentiation was not seen in this study. The tumor stained positively with pan-cytokeratin, but NSE, CD56, chromogranine, synaptophysin, S-100 protein, CD5, vimentin, CD99, CD34, AFP, HCG, PLAP, calretinin stain were all negative. A diagnosis of benign type A spindle cell thymoma with extensive cystic and necrotic degenerations was made.
Thymoma showing extensive necrosis is described as an extremely rare condition that remains challenging for the pathologist[2]. Focal cystic changes in thymoma are described in only 40% of the cases[6,7]. Extensive cystic and necrotic degenerations are seen very rarely[7]. The differential diagnosis of cystic and necrotic lesions of thymus includes multilocular thymic cyst, thymic basaloid carcinoma, thymic mucoepidermoid carcinoma, thymic germ cell tumors (seminoma, yolk sac tumor) and Hodgkin's disease[1].
In this paper, challenges in differential diagnosis between spindle cell atypical carcinoid and thymoma were discussed. Spindle cell carcinoid tumor is macroscopically well circumscribed but usually not encapsulated. Microscopically, it has finely granular chromatin pattern and neuroendocrine features. In case of diagnosis of carcinoid tumor, at least two positive neuroendocrine markers and more than 50% of tumor cells stained with pan-cytokeratin must be present[8]. Ultrastructural analysis via electron microscopy is important in differential diagnosis as well, but we could not perform electron microscopic evaluation because of absence of electron microscope in our center. Immunohistochemical analyses with CD56, chromogranin, NSE and synaptophysin were negative in this case.
In our case, there was extensive necrosis beside the absence of mitosis. Typical carcinoid justifies a diagnosis of atypical carcinoid even when a small punctate area of necrosis is present so that we needed to differentiate type A thymoma from thymic atypical carcinoid tumor[4]. In this case, macroscopic examination is the clue to correct diagnosis. While thymic atypical carcinoids are well circumscribed but not encapsulated, type A thymoma is usually well circumscribed and encapsulated. Furthermore, easy resection and the absence of invasion to adjacent organs frequently support the diagnosis of type A thymoma. Moreover, the presence of bland nuclear feature of the tumor cells and the absence or seldom presence of mitosis in microscopic examination are suggestive of the diagnosis of type A thymoma.
The presence of necrosis, infarction, haemorrhage and cystic degenerations was initially discussed by Moran et al. comprehensively[1]. Moran et al. reported that presence of necrosis infarction and haemorrhage were along with benign behavior in thymoma while the presence in other organs associated with malignancy and aggressive behavior.
Moran et al. emphasized that the areas of infarction showed features of ischemic necrosis and were always intimately associated with vaso-occlusive and thrombotic phenomena and with cystic and hyperplastic changes of adjacent thymic epithelium[1]. Hori et al.[9] reported spontaneous regression of thymoma from 35 mm to 15 mm in diameter because of coagulation necrosis due to the occluded main arteriole of tumor by organized thrombi. In our case, vasoocclusive and thombotic phenomena were also marked.
As a result, extensive necrosis, infraction, cystic and haemorrhagic changes in thymoma were so rarely reported. For accurate diagnosis, there is a need to take multiple sections from restricted areas within the extensive necrosis. Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies are required with meticulous gross and microscopic examination.
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