Metastasis to the tongue due to a primary RCC was also found and treated with interferon-alpha in another case report and the metastatic mass disappeared completely after the systemic treatment [9].
Arterial, venous and lymphatic flow are the potential thoroughfare of metastasis to the tongue [3]. Metastases are often observed on the base more than other parts of the tongue because of the tremendous vascular supply [10],[11].
RCC penetrates the vessels of the kidney and accesses the systemic circulation. Head and neck metastases are mostly related with lung metastases as in the current case. Spread via Batson’s venous plexus can be a possible route for the metastasis to tongue if no signs of pulmonary disease are identified (
). In conclusion, various entities should be kept in mind in clear cell lesions in the head and neck location. The initial diagnosis in this case was squamous cell carcinoma but the neoplasm of the tongue was reevaluated and diagnosed as metastasis to the tongue after the detection of the primary tumor in the kidney. Metastatic carcinomas must be considered to avoid a misdiagnosis.
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