Case Reports: We describe two cases in adults, one a 27-year-old man and the other a 59-year-old male. The former presented with recurrent neck mass for 5 years, and the latter presented with asymptomatic neck mass of a short duration. Both were not associated with any pain, discoloration, discharge or sudden increase in size.
Conclusion: The awareness of occurrence of cystic lymphangioma in adults is important for its proper management which includes complete surgical removal, to prevent recurrence.
We report two cases of cystic lymphangioma in adults, and contrast it with those presenting in the pediatric age group.
Figure 1: Spongy mass with multiple cystic spaces.
Figure 2: Ectatic lymphatic channels containing lymphocytes, (H&E, x100).
Case 2
A 59-year-old male presented with a cystic swelling on
the left side of the neck since fifteen days. The swelling
was cystic, not associated with any pain, discoloration
or sudden increase in size. The excised mass measured
2.5x2.0x1.0 cm and cut surface showed grey white lobulated
areas with multiple cystic spaces (Figure 3). Microscopy
showed dilated vascular channels lined by attenuated cells
and surrounded by bundles of smooth muscles. The stroma
showed focal lymphoid aggregates (Figure 4).
Figure 3: Lobulated grey white mass with cystic spaces.
Figure 4: Dilated vascular channels surrounded by bundles of smooth muscles, (H&E, x100).
The anatomic location of the lymphatic malformation plays an important role in determining the histologic type of lymphangioma. The various sites reported are intraabdominal, mediastinal, axillary, thigh with the neck being the most common[1-8]. Histologically, lymphangiomas are thin walled, cystic unilocular or multilocular cystic tumors lined by endothelial cells containing clear yellow fluid. A radiological diagnosis can be difficult. Extension into the oropharynx is present in 20% cases , and extension to the mediastinum is found in about 10% cases. A careful evaluation of the extension of the tumor by preoperative imaging using ultrasound, MRI or oropharyngeal endoscopy is strongly recommended, so as to ensure complete removal of the mass and prevent reccurence[7]. Incomplete excision is one of the leading causes of recurrence. Repeated aspiration and depomedorone injections often fail to prevent recurrence. Complete surgical excision is the preferred treatment[7].
Despite all the advanced imaging techniques, the diagnosis of adult lymphangiomas remains a challenge[9]. A correct diagnosis is ensured only by histopathological examination of the surgical specimen[8].
We report these cases to further emphasize the need to consider cystic lymphangioma in the differential diagnosis of neck masses in adults.
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