Figure 1: The uterine cut surface with cyst formation without relation to the endometrium.
Figure 2: Multiple cysts of variable sizes lined with benign epithelium are seen (H&E x40).
Many extragenital locations have been reported in the literature such as peritoneum, subperitoneal tissue, colon, appendix, umbilicus, and lymph nodes[2,4]. The examples of tumor-like cystic endosalpingiosis were localized to the female pelvis and most of those cases were reported to be derived from the serosal surface of the uterus and the ovary[1,6-11]. The tumor-like cystic endosalpingiosis was located in a subserosal location with intramural involvement in only six cases previously published in the literatüre[1,5,12-14]. The case presented here was different from the cases reported before with its feature of purely uterineintramural cystic tumor-like endosalpingiosis without a serosal component as published by Çil et al.[15] (Table I).
Tumor-like cystic endosalpingiosis usually mimics other lesions such as leiomyoma, serosal cyst etc.[1,9]. The lesion mimicked leiomyoma in the current case as well. The differential diagnosis of endosalpingiosis includes cystic tumor-like lesions involving the uterus such as cystic adenomyosis with tubal metaplasia, adenomatoid tumor, and peritoneal inclusion cyst[5,6,8,12,13]. Absence of endometrial stroma differentiates cystic adenomyosis from endosalpingiosis. Cystic adenomatoid tumors may present as a uterine cystic mass. They have multiple small ovoid or slit-like spaces lined with flattened and cuboidal non-tubal type epithelial cells admixed with smooth muscle fibers[5,8]. They are usually located on the subserosal area of the female genital tract, sometimes with a myometrial invasion.
However, there was no evidence of serosal involvement in our case and immunohistochemistry would be helpful in the differential diagnosis otherwise.
The etiology and the histogenesis of cystic endosalpingiosis is not clear, but may be related to inflammatory conditions, previous adnexal surgery or peritoneal mesothelial metaplasia depending on the growth factor stimuli or steroid hormones[13]. There is some evidence that it might be a secondary müllerian system pathology with mullerianosis; such as lymphadenectomy specimens resected due to ovarian serous carcinoma usually containing endosalpingiosis, endosalpingiosis cases almost always being accompanied by a serous cystic neoplasm, and urinary bladder endosalpingiosis[1,16]. Our case had follicular salpingitis that might support the idea of a possible relationship between an inflammatory process and this entity.
In conclusion, endosalpingiosis rarely presents with such large cystic changes and striking macroscopic findings. Awareness of the existence of this rare lesion will prevent an incorrect diagnosis.
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