This article describes an interesting case of an embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in a 36-year-old male, involving the mandibular gingiva. The lesion showed radiolucency with ill-defined margins that was crossing the midline. The history revealed a similar lesion six months back at the same site and the lesion had been completely excised. The biopsy reports confirmed the diagnosis of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma after which en-bloc resection of the tumor was performed with administration of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Due to high recurrence rate of rhabdomyosarcomas in adults, multimodal therapy should be planned for proper care of the patient. Clinical, radiological, histopathological and management aspects are discussed here.
The incidence of RMS appears to be higher in the African- American and Caucasian population than Asians[7,8]. Two-third of RMS cases are diagnosed in children 2 to 15 years of age with a mean age of 6 years, and there is a small male predominance[1,2,7]. RMS is rare in adults, accounting for 2 to 5 per cent of adult soft tissue sarcomas and they show different biological behavior compared to children with tumors that are more aggressive and have an overall worse survival rate[9,10,11].
Histologically, embryonal RMS is characterized by zones of loose and dense cellularity, remarkably recapitulate normal embryonal myogenesis, in which loose primitive mesenchyme condenses to form nascent muscle[12].
In this article, we describe an unusual case of gingival embryonal RMS occurring in an adult where the diagnosis was made only by means of histopathology and immunohistochemistry.
OPG and CT scan study showed an expansile, osteolytic lesion involving the right inferior alveolus and body of the mandible (Figure 2a). An extraosseous soft tissue component was noticed both anterior and posterior to the mandible (Figure 2b). Loss of the right mandibular lateral incisor with loosening of other teeth was noticed in the right mandibular quadrant (Figure 3). No significant cervical lymphadenopathy was noticed.
An incisional biopsy was performed and the specimen was referred for histopathological examination. Under light microscopic examination, the tumor was observed to be composed of dense cellular connective tissue stroma. Cells were round to oval with hyperchromatic nuclei, frequent mitotic figures and indistinct cytoplasm (Figure 4). The pathology evaluation showed embryonal RMS that was verified by a immunohistochemistry panel. The immunohistochemical tests were performed with antibodies against desmin, myogenin and myoglobin. Among these markers, desmin and myogenin revealed strong positive staining whereas immunoreactivity to myoglobin was not detected (Figure 5, 6).
Figure 5: Positive immunohistochemical staining for desmin (Desmin; x400).
Figure 6: Positive immunohistochemical staining for myogenin (Myogenin; x100).
Following the histological diagnosis, en bloc resection of the tumor with a wide margin of normal tissue was performed (Figure 7). After removal of the lesion, a pectoralis myocutaneous graft was placed along with an arch bar. An excisional biopsy process was performed and revealed findings similar to the incisional biopsy. Subsequent to surgery, the patient underwent chemotherapy with a vincristine, ifosfamide and actinomycin D regime. After three cycles of chemotherapy in 16 weeks the patient was followed with radiotherapy, which was administered for four weeks in once daily fractions of 1.8 Gy. To date of this report, more than 6 months since diagnosis and treatment, he has no evidence of the disease.
Figure 7: Tissue specimen after complete excision of the lesion.
In the presented case, gingiva and alveolar mucosa of the right body of the mandible and anterior portion of the left mandible were involved. Only a few cases of gingival RMS have been published[13]. The present report adds to the literature of adult gingival RMS.
Clinical presentation of RMS is variable and influenced by site, age and the presence or absence of distant metastases. In general the primary lesion is a non-tender mass. The head and neck lesion may cause impairment of hearing, vision, speech, and swallowing, and respiratory symptoms may develop[14]. The clinical features noted in the present case were facial asymmetry and obliteration of the labial and buccal vestibule due to the painless mass.
RMS is very rare in adults so the data on clinical presentation is inadequate. A number of studies have described that these tumors are more aggressive in adults compared to children and adolescents[9,11,15]. This case presented as a rapid recurrence and growth of lesion due to inadequate surgery.
Radiological examination of the lesion may reveal the size and extension of the lesion and extent of bone destruction[16]. Through computerized tomography and panoramic radiography, we could determine that the lesion affected the body of the mandible with missing and loosening of teeth.
Horn and Enterline classified RMS histologically in four subtypes: embryonal, botryoid, alveolar, and pleomorphic. Botryoid RMS abuts an epithelial surface, with condensation of tumor cells in the immediate subepithelial zone. The alveolar variant has aggregates of round to oval neoplastic cells, separated by irregularly shaped fibrous trabeculae forming ill-defined alveolar spaces. The pleomorphic or classical variant is the adult type seen in adults over 40 years of age[12]. The histopathological appearance of this case was of the embryonal subtype. Embryonal RMS has a favorable prognosis when compared to the other subtypes[17].
Immunohistochemically, cytoplasm-specific markers for RMS are myoglobin, desmin, muscle-specific actin while nucleus-specific markers are Myo D and myogenin. Desmin and muscle-specific actin are the most accepted makers and are used commonly in the diagnosis of RMS. Muscle transcription factors Myo D and myogenin are the most sensitive markers for immunohistochemical diagnosis of RMS. Both of these markers are expressed at high levels in RMS, even when cells are showing poor differentiation[12]. In the presented case, we used a panel of immunohistochemical markers and found positive expression of desmin and myogenin.
RMS in adults is an aggressive tumor and has a higher incidence of recurrence. The best possible clinical outcome is therefore achieved via a multimodal approach. Sophisticated surgical techniques with reconstruction are used as the primary modality[9]. RMS is a radiocurable lesion but results in radiation-induced secondary tumors[3]. In addition, multiagent chemotherapy, including vincristine, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, and actinomycin D reduces micro metastases and malignant cell population, thus favoring long-term survival with fewer complications[18]. Due to the high recurrence rate and association with distant metastases of RMS, a high-quality treatment plan is required.
Sarcomas are extremely rare in the oral cavity. However in our day-to-day practice we may come across the rarest of the lesions with an unusual clinical presentation. Therefore, each and every lesion of the oral cavity should be examined thoroughly and all diagnostic techniques such as radiography, histopathology and immunohistochemistry should be considered to achieve a correct diagnosis. Lesions on the gingiva and the alveolar area may be due to RMS or any other sarcomas and these pathologies should be considered in the differential diagnosis.
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