Figure 1: CT scan of the pelvic cavity showing a polypoid mass within the urinary bladder (arrow).
Both biopsies represented bladder mucosa, in which lamina propria was extensively replaced by a cellular malignant neoplasm. The overlying urothelium was focally ulcerated but otherwise uninvolved. The tumor in the lamina propria was composed of uniform round to polygonal cells with moderate to abundant partly clear cytoplasm and large nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Interspersed with the tumor cells were variable numbers of lymphocytes (Figure 2, 3). The tumor cells were strongly immunoreactive for placental alkaline phosphatase and C-Kit (CD117) with a strong membrane staining pattern (Figure 4). There was patchy dot-like pattern of staining for CK8/18 within some of the tumor cells. The tumor cells were non-reactive for prostate specific antigen (PSA), prostatic specific acid phosphatase, CK7, CK20, CD45, CK (AE1/AE3), HMB45, S100, CD34, high molecular weight cytokeratin, epithelial membrane antigen, p63, and CD34. The tumor was diagnosed as classical seminoma. No other germ cell tumor elements were noted.
Following the diagnosis of seminoma involving the urinary bladder, the patient was further evaluated for the presence of a primary tumor and for detection of tumor in other locations. A careful examination of both testes including ultrasound evaluation, failed to reveal any abnormal masses or calcifications. Examination by CT scan failed to reveal any masses in mediastinal or retroperitoneal spaces, abdomen and pelvis. Tumor markers including serum alpha-fetoprotein (4.9 μg/L), human chorionic gonadotropin (2.0 IU/L) and lactate dehydrogenase (165 U/L) were all in normal limits. Prostate specific antigen was 1.0μg/L. The patient was treated by four cycles of chemotherapy consisting of bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin. There was a significant response with the mass shrinking to <50% of the original size. The patient however refused further chemotherapy. A CT scan two years later revealed the bladder mass to be unchanged. There was no evidence of any metastatic focus within the abdomen, lungs or mediastinum.
To the best of our knowledge, no cases of extragonadal germ cell tumors with presumed origin in urinary bladder have been reported. On the other hand five cases of seminoma with possible primary origin in the prostate have been documented[3-7]. In all cases the tumor was a pure classical seminoma except for one case reported by Han et al[5]. In that patient the tumor was a mixed germ cell tumor with predominant pattern of yolk sac tumor, while seminoma represented only a minor component. In two of the reported cases the major bulk of the tumor was in the prostate but there was extension into the bladder neck[3,7]. None of the tumors presented as intravesical mass. A few cases of metastatic seminoma to the prostate or bladder have been reported[8-11]. In the present case the main component of the tumor was present as a polypoid intravesical mass, however the base of the tumor was adjacent to the base of the prostate without clear evidence of prostatic involvement.
Controversy remains regarding the origin of extragonadal germ cell tumors. The classical theory suggests that extra gonadal germ cell tumors are derived from local transformation of primordial germ cells misplaced during gonadal embryogenesis. The more restricted anatomical distribution of the GCTs primarily in the midline locations can probably be explained by the fact that generally the germ cells cannot survive outside the specialized niches present in testis and ovary. The occurrence of GCTs in the thymus and the midline of the brain suggest the presence of niches at those sites, which presumably offer the same support to germ cell and their neoplastic counterparts as provided by the gonads. Thymic epithelium may behave as feeder of the seminoma cells in thymus as sex cord stromal cells in the gonads[12].
An alternative theory suggests that extragonadal tumors represent migration of malignant cells from occult in situ lesions in the gonad; hence, they may be gonadal in origin. There are several reports of patients with extragonadal germ cell tumor with synchronous and metachronous germ cell tumors within the gonad[13-15]. These reports emphasize the point that extragonadal germ cell tumors should be accepted as primary tumor only after a thorough evaluation of the patient to rule out a gonadal primary neoplasm. Furthermore, a prolonged follow up may also be necessary to unmask a hidden primary gonadal tumor. This indeed was the case in several reported cases in which an extragonadal tumor was initially thought to be primary, only to discover several years later that there was a gonadal germ cell tumor, which was not clinically apparent earlier[13-15]. In our case, although a search for a primary tumor within the gonads has yielded negative results, such a possibility cannot be completely excluded until the patient has been followed for several years without any evidence of gonadal neoplasm or the testes have been examined for an occult or regressed germ cell tumor. Germ cell tumors in the testis are known to undergo spontaneous regression leaving only a scar as evidence of preexisting tumor[14,16].
In summary, a unique case of classical seminoma presenting as a large intravesical mass is presented.
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