Figure 1: Endoscopic examination demonstrating left sided nasopharyngeal mass.
Figure 3: Invasive ductal carcinoma of the primary breast lesion (HE x200).
At a microscopic level, there may be morphological mimicry between salivary duct carcinomas (SDC) and ductal mammary carcinomas. Despite its resemblance to breast carcinoma with positive reactivity for GCDFP-15, SDC can be differentaited as it is positive for androgen receptor (AR)[7], may be positive for prostate-specific antigen and prostatic-acid phosphatase, and rarely reactive for estrogen (1.3% reactivity) and progesterone (6% reactivity) receptors[8]. The immunophenotype AR+/ER-/PR-/GCDFP+ in a malignant salivary tumor with an intraductal pattern is characteristic of SDC but does not completely exclude metastasis from the breast, which might also be AR+ and ER/PR- in a lesser proportion of cases[9]. GCDFP-15, a glycoprotein originally isolated from human breast gross cystic fluid has been shown to be expressed in primary carcinomas of the breast, salivary, sweat, and prostate gland[10,11]. Swanson et al. 10 detected GCDFP- 15 immunopositivity in 76% of benign and 28% of malignant salivary gland tumors. Fifty three (41%) of 133 cases were positive for GCDFP- 15. Tubuloglandular components in 82% of pleomorphic adenomas were reactive, and 24% of adenocarcinomas were stained, but neither adenoid cystic carcinoma nor polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma were labeled with GCDFP-15[10]. Previous studies related to the expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in salivary gland tumors have reported conflicting results. Expression of ER and/or PR in a proportion of both benign and malignant salivary tumors has been suggested, but some studies have failed to detect any ER or PR positivity. However strong expression of ER or PR receptors and GCDFP-15 favors a diagnosis of the carcinoma of mammary origin[2,7,12-14]. In our case, a previous history of breast carcinoma, morphologic resemblance to the primary breast tumor, absence of intraductal carcinoma-like areas, positive immunoreactivity of PR and GCDFP-15 with negative reactivity of GFAP strongly support the diagnosis of carcinoma metastasizing from the breast, rather than the diagnosis of a salivary gland tumor.
Bronchogenic carcinoma of the lung, renal cell carcinoma, malign melanoma and breast carcinoma metastatic to the nasopharynx have been reported in the literature[1]. Saab et al.[3] reported the first case of metastatic adenocarcinoma of the breast to the nasopharynx. However, there is some vague points with that case. Nasopharyngeal metastasis together with pulmonary nodules have been described to arise approximately 7 years following the diagnosis of breast carcinoma. Although the histologic type seemed to be identical it could be originated from a second primary malignancy of the lungs, leading to a nasopharyngeal metastasis. To our knowledge, our case is the second documented and first proved case of metastatic breast carcinoma to the nasopharynx. Metastatic breast carcinoma to the head and neck region is associated with a poor prognosis because the primary disease is usually advanced and widespread by the time secondary disease manifests clinically[3,4].
In conclusion, metastases to nasopharynx from a distant primary are rare. The use of appropriate immunohistochemical markers may be helpful in arriving at the correct diagnosis, as in our case. A metastasis, although rare, should be included in the differential diagnosis of a nasopharyngeal lesion since it may clinically mimic a benign neoplasm or primary carcinoma.
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