Figure 1: Intra-oral presentation reveals obliteration of labial vestibule.
Figure 2: CT scan reveals an expansile swelling.
The patients personal and family history were noncontributory. Metastasis from primary tumor of other sites was ruled out. There was no evidence of any metastasis. Blood investigations were within normal limits. A provisional diagnosis of salivary gland tumor was made and accordingly an incisional biopsy was performed which revealed malignancy of salivary gland. The tumor was surgically removed and submitted for histopathological examination. Gross specimen measured around 3x2 cm, was non-encapsulated, multinodular and presented irregular borders. It was firm in consistency and grayish white in color. Microscopy showed tumor nodules composed of epitheloid cells arranged in diffuse sheets, nests and cords separated by fibrous septa. Tumor cells had round to oval nuclei, vesicular chromatin, prominent nucleoli and a moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures ranged from 5 to 7 per 10 high power field. Many of the cells showed partially clear cytoplasm (Figure 3). The stroma contained hyalinised material. No areas of necrosis were evident. There was presence of invasion in the adjacent alveolar bone. A panel of IHC markers consisting of alpha-SMA (Figure 4), HMW cytokeratin (Figure 5), calponin (Figure 6), CD-10 (Figure 7) and EMA were applied. They were all indicated by dark brown cytoplasmic staining. The results were positive for all the markers, except EMA. The diagnosis was confirmed as CCMC. The patient was followed up for 2 years and there was no complaint or recurrence.
Figure 4: Tumor cells are positive for alpha- SMA (SMA; x400).
Figure 5: Tumor cells are positive for high molecular weight cytokeratin (HMWCK; x400).
Figure 6: Tumor cells are positive for calponin (Calponin; x400).
In conclusion, MCs are extremely noteworthy tumors that mostly affect major salivary glands. Very few cases have been documented in the oral cavity. The tumor cells may presented as epitheloid, spindle or plasmacytoid types. The clear cell variant is extremely rare and we report this variant in a very unusual location, the upper lip, invading the alveolar bone. The prognosis of this tumor is guarded. The only treatment is surgical resection with wide margins.
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