Material and Method: Sixty-five consecutive cases of colorectal adenocarcinoma were retrieved from the records of the Pathology Department of a tertiary care hospital. The tumors were categorized as low positive and high positive based on their total COX-2 scores, which is the sum of proportion and intensity scores of immunostaining, and were correlated with clinicopathological features. Statistical analysis was done using the Chi-square test and Kendall's Tau–b correlation method.
Results: COX-2 was expressed in 86.2% of cases including 90% of left colonic carcinomas and 77.3% of right colonic carcinomas. Lymph node metastasis was present in 22.2%, 25% and 47.75% of COX-2 negative, low positive and high positive tumors respectively. High positive COX-2 cases constituted 33.3% of stage I, 58.8% of stage II, 80% of stage III and 100% of stage IV tumors. About 56.6% of well differentiated, 66.6% of moderately differentiated and 100% of poorly differentiated carcinomas showed high COX-2 expression. The COX-2 overexpression was associated with advancing depth of invasion (p=0.021), stage of tumor (p=0.05), more frequent lymph node metastasis and decreasing degree of differentiation.
Conclusion: The association of COX-2 overexpression with increasing stage and depth of invasion may justify the use of COX-2 inhibitors as an adjuvant to chemo and radiotherapy.
A section of lung adenocarcinoma was used as positive control and the negative control was the same tissue incubated without secondary antibody. COX-2 expression was evaluated using a method wherein both the percentage of positive cells (proportion score) and the intensity of staining (intensity score) were added to obtain the “total COX-2 score”[7,8]. The proportion score was scaled between 0 and 4 (0: No cells are positive, 1: 1% to 25% cells are positive, 2: 26% to 50% cells are positive, 3: 51% to 75% cells are positive and 4: 76% to 100% cells are positive). The intensity score was scaled between 0 and 3 (0: No staining, 1: Weak staining, 2: Intermediate staining, 3: Strong staining). The stratification of staining intensity was made in comparison with the staining intensity of inflammatory cells. When the staining intensity of tumor cells was less than the inflammatory cells, it was considered weak staining (intensity score-1). Similarly when tumor cell staining was the same and stronger than inflammatory cells, it was considered intermediate (score 2) and strong staining (score 3), respectively (Figure 1A-D). “Total COX-2 score” thus obtained was used to categorize COX-2 expression of tumors as ”Negative (total score 0 to 2)”, “Low positive (total score 3 to 4)” and “High positive (total score 5 to 7)”.
COX-2 expression (total COX-2 score) was then correlated with clinicopathological features using the statistical methods of Chi-square test and Kendall (τ) Tau-b tests. The Chi-square test was used for determining correlation between COX-2 expression and pathological features such as depth of tumor, microscopic grade, lymph node metastasis, and TNM stage. Relationship between age, gender and COX-2 expression was determined by Kendall τ-b correlation.
COX-2 Negative Cases
Four of the nine COX-2 negative cases did not show any
expression of COX-2. However in the remaining five
cases, less than 25% of tumor cells weakly expressed COX-
2 accounting to a total score of 2 which was considered
negative. Five were located in the right colon while four
were in the left. No lymph node metastasis was seen in 7
of the nine (77.8%) COX-2 negative cases. Seven stage II and two stage III tumors were seen. Only 2 cases (22.2%)
had tumor in the lymph node and the tumor cells in one of
them were low positive for COX-2.
COX-2 Low Positive Cases
Of the twelve low positive tumors, three were located in the
right and nine in the left colon. Two stage I, seven stage
II, three Stage III tumors were seen. There was no stage IV
tumor. Nine cases (75%) had no evidence of tumor in the
lymph node. In two of three cases (25%) with lymph node
deposits, a similar COX-2 expression was seen in both the
primary tumor and the lymph node deposits while a higher
expression was seen in the lymph node deposits in the third
case in the N2 stage. The morphology of primary tumor
and the metastasis was however the same.
COX-2 High Positive Cases
The location of these 44 tumors was 27 (61.4%) in the
left colon, 14 (31.8%) in the right colon, and three in the
transverse colon. COX-2 high positive tumors included one
stage I, 20 stage II, 20 stage III and three stage IV tumors.
Lymph node deposits were seen in 21 cases (47.7%) of which
11 were in N1 stage and 10 were in N2 stage. Twenty-three
cases (52.3%) did not have lymph node metastasis. One
(2.2%) T2 tumor, 34 (77.3%) T3 tumors and 9 (20.5%) T4
tumors were present in this group. There was no T1 tumor.
Stage I, stage II, stage III and stage IV tumors constituted
one case (2.2%), 20 cases (45.5%), 20 cases (45.5%) and
three cases (6.8%) respectively. The organs involved by
distant metastasis in the three stage IV tumors were the
fallopian tube and ovary in two of them and an umbilical
nodule in the third. All of the mucinous and signet ring cell
carcinomas showed high COX-2 positivity (Figure 2A,B
and 3A,B).
Lymph node metastasis was present in 22.2%, 25% and 47.8% of COX-2 negative, low positive and high positive cases, respectively (Figure 4A,B). This difference however was not statistically significant (p value=0.08)
The distribution of cases and correlation between COX-2 expression, stage, the depth of invasion, histopathological grade and tumor type have been shown in Tables I-III.
Table I: The relation between COX-2 expression and the stage
Table II: The relation between COX-2 expression and depth of invasion
Table III: COX-2 expression in the different histological types and grade of colorectal carcinoma
COX-2 Expression and Location of Tumor
Among 65 cases 22 cases (33.9%) were located in right
colon, 40 cases (61.5%) were located in of left colon and three cases (4.6%) were located in the transverse colon.
Of the 22 right colonic carcinomas, 17 (77.3%) expressed
COX-2 and 5 (22.7%) were negative. The forty cases of
left colonic carcinoma included 4 (10%) COX-2 negative
tumors and 36 (90%) COX-2 positive tumors.
COX-2 Expression and Size of Tumor
The greatest diameter of the nine COX-2 negative tumors
varied between 2.5 cm and 6.0 cm (mean 4.6 cm ± SD)
while those of 56 COX-2 positive tumors ranged from 2.5
cm to 12.0 cm (mean 5.3 cm ±SD). The difference was not
statistically significant (p=0.27).
COX-2 Expression and Stage of Tumor
The correlation between depth of invasion and COX-2
expression was statistically significant (p=0.021). The stages
of tumors also bear a significant correlation with COX-2
expression, p value being equal to 0.05. The p values for
correlation with lymph node metastasis were 0.08.
COX-2 Expression and Other Clinicopathological
The p values for correlation with age, gender, and
microscopic grade were 0.82; 0.47; and 0.08 respectively.
In the present study of the 65 colorectal carcinomas, 86.2% of cases expressed COX-2 while 13.8% did not express. Similar expression has been seen by Al-Maghrabi who found 85% of colorectal carcinomas expressing COX-2[11]. However other studies as published by Soumaoro et al. have shown relatively fewer tumors (70%) expressing COX-2[7].
The present study included fifty-nine (90.6%) stage II/ III tumors with only three (4.6%) of the stage I tumors contributing to the high percentage of COX-2 expressing tumors. The difference noted in studies by Al Maghrabi and Soumaro could be attributed to the difference in location of the tumors in their series. In the former study by Al Maghrabi, similar to our study greater numbers of left colon carcinoma were present, while in the latter a greater number of right colon carcinoma were included. Right colon carcinomas are more frequently associated with microsatellite instability and lower or absent COX- 2 expression while left colon carcinomas are frequently associated with loss of APC and hence increased COX-2 expression mediated by β catenin[12,13]. In the absence of APC, β catenin translocates to the nucleus and increases COX-2 levels. Nasir et al. and others found an inverse correlation between COX-2 and APC expression and a more frequent COX-2 expression in left colonic carcinoma[13]. In agreement with these findings, 90% of left colon carcinomas were COX-2 positive while only 77.3% of right colon carcinomas expressed COX-2 in the present study.
Lymph node metastasis was present in 22.2%, 25% and 47.8% of COX-2 negative, low positive and high positive cases respectively. Though the values were not statistically significant, these findings are in consistence with those of Sheehan KM[12] and Al-Maghrabi[11] who also found two to four times more frequent lymph node metastasis in tumors with high COX-2 expression. Furthermore, in 76% of stage III tumors with lymph node metastasis, a similar staining intensity was seen in the primary tumor and lymph node deposits, while in 16% of the cases, the primary tumor was high positive, whilst the lymph node deposits being low positive. However, no larger series are available to compare these findings. With increasing stage of the tumor, there was an increase in number of high COX-2 positive tumors from 33.3%, 58.8%, 80% to 100% in stage I, II, III, IV tumors respectively. On the contrary the number of low COX-2 expressing tumors gradually declined as the stages increased and there was no COX-2 negative carcinoma in stage IV. These findings are in correlation with other studies that used the Dukes classification[12,14] or the AJCC staging systems[11,15]. Elzagheid et al. have also found high COX-2 expression in association with advanced stages of colorectal carcinoma while finding no significant association with tumor grade and lymph node status[16]. As the tumor depth of invasion progressed from T1 to T4, invading the submucosa, muscularis propria, serosa and beyond, an increase in the proportion of high COX-2 positive carcinoma from 0% to 77% was observed with a decline in the low COX-2 positive tumors from T2 to T3. This association was statistically significant. A similar relation between depth of invasion and COX- 2 overexpression has been documented by Soumaoro[7] and Wu[17] in their studies. The number of high COX-2 positive tumors increased as the degree of tumor differentiation decreased. The proportion of high COX-2 expressing tumors increased from 56.2% to 66.6% and 100% in well differentiated, moderately differentiated and poorly differentiated carcinomas. Our findings are consistent with the studies of Masunaga[14] and Al-Maghrabi[11]. We also observed that all of the mucinous and signet ring cell carcinomas showed high COX-2 positivity. These findings are in agreement with those by Baba et al.[18]. A few others have described a relatively low COX-2 expression in signet ring cell carcinoma compared to the mucinous category[19]. Comparing the COX-2 scores with the tumor size in the present study showed no statistically significant correlation similar to other previous studies[7,14]. Further comparing the total COX-2 scores of the primary tumor and the distant metastasis in the three stage IV tumors in the study, both the primary tumor and metastatic tumor were found to be high COX-2 expressors, raising the possibility for the role of COX-2 in tumor progression. However, more stage IV tumors need to be evaluated to assess the statistical significance of this correlation as there were only three stage IV tumors in the present study.
The association between COX-2 expression and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) (CD8+) was not evaluated in the present study. Nosho et al. have reported that the number of TILs were increased in microsatellite instabile tumors but decreased in COX-2 expressing tumors[20].
In conclusion, COX-2 expression in colorectal carcinoma was investigated in the present study. The tumors were categorized as low positive and high positive based on their total COX-2 scores, which is the sum of proportion and intensity scores of staining. Left colonic carcinomas more frequently expressed COX-2 than the right colonic tumors. The association between COX-2 expression and depth of tumor invasion and the stage of tumor were statistically significant. The deeper the depth of invasion, the greater was the total COX-2 score. Additionally, the presence of lymph node metastasis increased (22.2% to 25% to 47.7%) with increasing levels of COX-2 expression (negative to low positive to high positive) in the primary tumor. These findings may justify the use of selective COX-2 inhibitors such as Celecoxib, as an adjuvant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy in or combined usage of celecoxib with 5-fluorouracil which has been shown to improve chemosensitivity in chemorefractory colorectal carcinoma to improve recurrence free survival, disease free survival and overall survival[21,22].
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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