Material and Method: Out of the 291 cases that underwent CNB from lymph nodes between 2010 and 2016, 60 were included in the study in which pathological lymph nodes were excised after CNB. Demographic information, pathology and imaging reports, the diameters of the lymph nodes and the length of the CNBs of these cases were obtained from the hospital registry system. Diagnoses of the CNBs and excisional biopsies were then compared.
Results: According to the excisional biopsy diagnosis, 7 of the 60 cases (11.7%) were benign and 53 of them (88.3%) were malignant. 28 (53%) of the malignant cases were diagnosed as Hodgkin’s lymphoma while the others (47%) got a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma diagnosis. In the 8 non-diagnostic CNBs, 3(37%) of them were found to be benign/reactive, while 5 (63%) were diagnosed as malign lymphoma in excisional biopsy. Similarly, 7(64%) of the 11 cases diagnosed as benign/reactive in CNB, were found to be malignant with excisional biopsy. When CNB and excisional biopsy were compared, sensitivity and specificity were 90% and 100%; positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were 100% and 0%, respectively, and the diagnostic accuracy rate (DV) was 86.5%. The mean diameter of the benign lymph nodes was 26.1 mm and the mean diameter of the malignant ones was 35.6 mm. There was no significant difference between malignant and benign lymph node size (p>0.05). There was also no statistically significant difference between CNB length and correct diagnosis (p=0.233).
Conclusion: CNB is a non-invasive procedure. It is an alternative to excisional biopsy because of its low morbidity and low cost. However, the sensitivity of CNB is lower than its specificity, and we recommend the surgical excision of lymph nodes with a clinically strong neoplasm suspicion because of the presence of false negatives in 7 cases.
Our aim in this study was to compare the diagnoses obtained by CNB and excisional biopsy and to demonstrate the diagnostic value of CNB.
CNB and excisional biopsy sections were obtained from formalin fixed-paraffin embedded tissues, stained with hematoxylin-eosin and examined under the light microscope. Immunohistochemical tests required for diagnosis were performed with standard protocols. Lymphoma subtyping was performed according to the WHO classification[13]. The final diagnosis of CNB and excision of the same lymph nodes were compared.
The Chi-square McNemar test was used for statistical analysis. Sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value (NPV), positive predictive value (PPV) and true accuracy rates were calculated.
Table I: Distribution and comparison of CNB and excisional biopsy diagnoses
Excluding 8 non-diagnostic CNBs from evaluation, CNB and excisional biopsy diagnoses were compared. As shown in Table II, among the 11 cases diagnosed as benign with CNB, 4 of them were diagnosed as benign while 7 were diagnosed as malignant in excisional biopsy. All the 41 cases of malignant CNB diagnoses also had a malignant diagnosis with excisional biopsies, leading to 41 true positive, 4 true negative, 7 false negative and 0 false positive cases among the CNB diagnoses. According to these data, sensitivity of CNB was calculated as 90%, while specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and diagnostic accuracy (DV) were found 100%, 100%, 0% and 86.5%, respectively.
Table II: Comparison of cutting-needle biopsy (CNB) and excisional biopsy diagnoses of lymph nodes
Applying the Chi-square McNemar test, a linear, moderate power correlation was found between CNB and excision biopsy diagnoses (Rho=0.534 ; p<0.001).
The mean lymph node diameter of the 8 benign cases was 26.1 cm, while it was 35.6 cm in the 52 malignant cases, showing no statistically significant difference between the benign and malignant groups (p>0.05).
We also evaluated whether there was a correlation between the CNB lengths of these 60 cases and the final excisional biopsy diagnoses. The biopsy core length median value was analyzed according to the diagnosis consistency of the cases. Inconsistently determined median core length was 1.25 cm, while consistently determined median core length was 1.5 cm. There was no difference in core length median value according to diagnosis consistency (Z=1.192 ; p=0.233). Finally, ROC analysis was performed to see if a cut-off point for core length exists for diagnostic accuracy, but significant results were not obtained (AUC=0.609; p=0.244).
Five of the 7 cases initially reported as benign/reactive and were diagnosed as HL in excisional biopsies specimens were re-evaluated, as well as the ones diagnosed as DLBCL and FL. The reason for the missed diagnosis of HL was found to be CNB being performed from fields where there were only a few atypical cells on a reactive background. The FL case had a heterogeneous developmental pattern and a benign diagnosis was given due to the presence of reactive lymphoid follicles in the CNB biopsy specimen. As for the DLBCL case, the histomorphologic appearance could not be clearly selected due to the significant crush artifact in the tissue and immunohistochemistry did not work properly.
Re-evaluation was also done for the 8 non-diagnostic cases. It was noticed that in four cases there were lymphoid cell-free fibroadipose tissue and in two cases, most of the material consisted of fibroadipose tissue and very few lymphoid cells existed. In one case, there was adequate lymphoid tissue in the primary sections, whereas in the serial sections for immunohistochemical studies, lymphoid tissue disappeared. In the last one, a clear diagnosis could not be made due to the obvious degeneration at the edges of the tissue.
Pedersen et al. reported that the diameter of the lymph nodes with a malignant diagnosis was greater than benign ones and found a statistically significant difference[11]. In our study, there was no statistically significant difference between the diameter of the lymph nodes and the malignant/ benign diagnosis. This may be due to the fact that clinicians and surgeons may decide on the excision of lymph nodes that have pathologic diameters and signs of malignancy on imaging tests.
Like the diameter of the lymph nodes, there was no statistically significant difference between the length of the CNBs and a correct diagnosis (p=0.898). It may be concluded that a smaller but well-preserved tissue piece obtained by CNB without crushing artifacts is more valuable than a bigger but improper sample in reflecting the pathology of lymph node.
This study is confined to CNB cases that later underwent excisional biopsy, although it is used as a diagnostic method in our hospital. This may be considered the weakness of the study and can be overcome by using larger series via patient follow-up programs.
In conclusion, CNB is an alternative to excisional biopsy, because it provides rapid and reliable diagnosis and subclassification of malign lymphomas, not only in peripheral lymph nodes but also especially in deeply located ones that are particularly difficult to excise. CNB is advantageous in terms of low morbidity and cost and can take the place of excisional biopsies in many cases. However, if clinical, laboratory, and radiological findings strongly suggest malignant lymphoma, we recommend using the excisional method in cases where there is no definite or negative CNB diagnosis.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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