The approach to FS always demands adequate communication between the neurosurgeon and the surgical pathologist to understand the complexities of the case and the specific issues about the patient. At the initial step, the request is to render a diagnosis and help the surgeon decide the course of action, but in many occasions, there may be other questions directed to the pathologist [1-3]. The pathologist needs to acquire the critical clinical and radiological information at this initial stage and anticipate questions that may be critical for the specific case.
The second step is appropriate tissue processing and assessment of tissue adequacy. Tissue processing typically involves preparing a smear and performing tissue sections with the help of the cryostat. Evaluation of the prepared smears and tissue sections can be made using an algorithm that helps the pathologist incorporate all the relevant information in order to reach the appropriate differential diagnosis [4]. Previous studies have proposed methodical assessment of the information as well as evaluation of cytological and histological features for accurate diagnosis [1,2,5,6].
The combined interpretation of smears and tissue sections
is of critical importance in order to reach the appropriate
differential diagnosis. This combination was shown to
significantly improve the diagnostic accuracy leading to a
high rate of concordance with the final diagnosis [1,5,7-
Table I: Standard H&E staining protocol for smears and frozen sections.
Several studies correlating FS and final diagnoses
identified challenges in the correct recognition of tumors.
These challenges include difficulties in distinguishing
diffuse gliomas from reactive or inflammatory lesions,
differentiating spindle cell tumors (e.g. meningioma vs.
schwannoma), recognizing primary versus metastatic
malignancies, defining grade or aggressiveness of
meningothelial and glial tumors [5,9,11-13]. In
addition, differential diagnosis of astrocytoma versus
oligodendroglioma, lymphoma versus other small-blueround-
cell tumors, and diffuse versus non-infiltrating low
grade glial neoplasms have been historically challenging
[5,7,11,14,15]. Non-neoplastic lesions have often been
overlooked since they are less commonly sampled for FS
and therefore less familiar to surgical pathologists. The
most common non-neoplastic lesions often mistaken
for neoplasms include demyelinating lesions, infections,
dysplastic lesions such as focal cortical dysplasia,
radiation-associated changes, vascular malformations, and
hemorrhages [16].
Recent developments in the classification of CNS tumors
underscore the need to revise the decades old approach to
FS of CNS tumors, and to reconsider what could be reliably
reported during the intraoperative consultation, and what old habits should be reconsidered for a more realistic
characterization. The most recent WHO classification
scheme has adopted the integrated diagnosis for which
molecular or genetic information must be considered before
a final diagnosis is rendered [17]. This approach affects
the specificity of FS diagnosis for some entities in at least
two aspects; first, there should be little need to subclassify
glial tumors as oligodendroglioma or astrocytoma and to
provide WHO grading during FS interpretation. Second,
obtaining additional tissue for diagnostic molecular studies
should be paramount for providing the appropriate care.
These considerations require surgical pathologists to be
familiar with the necessary testing (Table II) and the degree
of specificity of the FS diagnoses.
This introduction provides a stepwise description of key
issues in the pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical
stages. It is aimed at pointing out the challenges at each
stage of FS, and to encourage the reader to consider the
critical stages of the process.
Stage 1- Pre-Analytical Phase
One of the most critical issues in every stage of the FS
is clear, unambiguous and effective communication
among the stakeholders of this consultative process. This
communication should involve the neuropathologist and
the neurosurgeon in as much direct fashion as possible.
The most efficient ways to achieve this communication is
an actual visit to the operating room by the pathologist,
where he/she can directly communicate with the
neurosurgeon, understand the critical issues concerning
the case, find out about the clinical details, past history, and
prior treatment(s). Access to diagnostic imaging studies
is always possible in the operating room, which saves the
pathologist the extra effort to learn the imaging features
of the case. The combination of clinical, radiological and
operative findings is sometimes pathognomonic, and
will only require simple visual microscopic confirmation
by the surgical pathologist. On the other hand, clinically,
radiologically and surgically challenging cases will often be
a harbinger of difficulty at the microscope.
Communicating the critical patient information to the
pathologist is very important and the surgeons and
clinicians should recognize the need to provide their
perspective, since the surgical pathologists are not experts
in clinical, neuroradiological or neurosurgical practices and
nuances. While the surgical pathologist must actively seek
this information, he/she should also educate others about
the importance of providing the pertinent information for
an accurate FS diagnosis.
Another critical issue in the first stage is the correct
recognition of the tissue sample and patient identification.
Each system must develop a reliable chain-of-custody
procedure to ensure timely and efficient delivery of the
correct tissue samples from the operating room to the
pathology laboratory.
Ideally, a well-prepared smear, a good tissue section and
sufficient material for subsequent critical studies (final
diagnosis) must be obtained prior to the analytical process.
Sufficient material for special studies and molecular
analyses are required as a standard of care for increasingly large number of tumor types in the molecular era [1].
There is an ever growing list of tumors that will benefit
from molecular analysis and a larger number of genetic
alterations that are helpful for the diagnosis of tumors,
yet a short list can be generated for tumors that MUST be
characterized in terms of their molecular characteristics
required for the WHO 2016 integrated diagnosis (Table
II). In circumstances where the tissue is too small to be
sufficient for all of the above, the priority should be given
to preserve the tissue for an accurate final diagnosis using
permanent sections.
Difficulties of interpretation can be due to multiple factors
including limited sampling, inadequate information,
processing problems, and inexperience. Any tumor can
be morphologically heterogeneous, and accurate diagnosis
highly depends on adequate sampling. Insufficient tissue,
necrotic material or non-representative tissue often does
not permit an accurate diagnosis and further material
should be sought. When large specimens are submitted,
gross visual examination and recognition of the normal
gray and white matter as well as the abnormal tissue allows
a better and more appropriate sampling for FS diagnosis
[1]. To prevent sampling errors, multiple smears and tissue
sections may be necessary, as long as there is sufficient
material for final diagnosis and molecular studies. Some
studies show that a minimum of 4 tissue samples may be
necessary to ensure a high diagnostic yield [1,18,19].
Preparation of a good smear is a crucial part of sample
preparation. A tissue fragment, not to exceed 2 mm should
be used. This tissue fragment is placed on the glass slide
closer to the label side, and the fragment is smeared by
gentle pressure using another glass slide and dragged along
the length of the slide. The slides should be dipped and
fixed in 95% ethanol for at least 15 seconds immediately
after smearing. No air drying should be permitted.
The frozen section should be performed with utmost care
to avoid over-freezing or drying. In addition, the tissue
should not be allowed to bathe in water or saline, and
preferably should be placed on a tissue paper wetted with
isotonic solutions. A frozen metal block and optimal
cutting temperature (OCT) compound could be used to
mount the tissue on the cryostat and no thicker than 5
micron sections should be obtained containing the entire
cut surface of the tissue sample. One important point about
the OCT compound is the ability of this mixture to inhibit
the PCR reaction, and to render the tissue inappropriate for
some molecular studies. The staining for smears and tissue
sections can be made with the same standard H&E protocol.
Since different H&E staining protocols may influence the quality of the interpretation, an optimal staining protocol
is provided on Table I.
Once the smears and tissue sections are optimally prepared,
the surgical pathologist should begin the interpretive task
using a set of standard questions (Figure 1) and a systematic
assessment of microscopic features; i.e. an algorithm (Figure
2A,B). The initial question should focus on the normal and
abnormal elements in the sample (Is the tissue abnormal
and are there normal cells?) followed by the inquiry as
to whether the sample is actually representative of the
process (Is the specimen sufficient and representative?).
A negative answer to either of these questions require an
early remediation such as repeating the smear or the tissue
section or requesting additional tissue from the operating
room. Once both questions are answered affirmatively,
the next step in the algorithm is to distinguish between
a neoplastic and non-neoplastic process (Is it neoplastic
or non-neoplastic?). Once the lesion is recognized as
neoplastic, the algorithm (Figure 2A,B) can be employed
to further characterize the process. Naturally, since the
probabilities vary between the pediatric and adult patients,
the algorithm should be modified accordingly (Figure
2A,B). The step in which the neoplastic/non-neoplastic
decision is made can be deceptive and unexpectedly
Figure 1: The algorithm of intraoperative consultation specimens
for CNS tumors.
The first step of the algorithm (Level 1) is to recognize the
smear and frozen section background as belonging to one
of the four basic patterns; predominantly glial, neuronal,
mesenchymal or epithelial (Figure 2A,B). The second
step (Level 2) is the analysis of cytological features of the
abnormal cells in terms of nuclear morphology (Level
2a) and cytoplasmic characteristics (Level 2b). Nuclear
morphology is evaluated in terms of hyperchromasia,
pleomorphism, nucleoli, structural anomalies such as
grooves or inclusions. Cytoplasmic characteristics include definition of cellular membranes, processes, cytoplasmic
structural anomalies (folding, inclusions, vacuolization).
The third step includes review of architectural features in
the smear and tissue sections (Level 3).
The recognition of the smear and tissue background
features can allow the surgical pathologist to create shorter
lists of differential diagnosis and help construct a practically
relevant interpretation for the surgeon (Is the tumor glial
or non-glial). In addition, level 1 categories can be further
subdivided into diagnostically relevant subgroups based on cytological and architectural observations as being indolent
or aggressive nature. Histologically benign appearing lesions
can be distinguished from histologically and cytologically
anaplastic or malignant samples. The cytological and
architectural features from both the smear and the tissue
section can be used to determine whether the neoplasm is
aggressive or more likely to be indolent (Is it high grade or
low grade?). The next step after the interpretation of the
background as glial is the recognition of signs that suggest
aggressive biology as well as infiltrative or solid growth
pattern. Figure 2A and 2B provide a differential diagnosis
of tumors based on information gathered at levels 2-3.
Some typical histological features may be difficult to
recognize on FS. For example, the features typical of
oligodendrogliomas such as the chicken-wire vasculature and fried-egg cells are due to paraffin processing and not
readily recognizable on FS. Freezing also imparts significant
artefactual changes in tumors such as oligodendrogliomas,
rendering them difficult to distinguish from other gliomas
(Figure 3A-C). While nuclear features and chromatin
structure may be helpful in telling them apart, recent
molecular studies imply that it may not be possible to make
this distinction easily on morphological grounds. With
the changes suggested in the WHO 2016 classification, it
may be sufficient to recognize the tumor simply as diffuse
glioma, and avoid the problem of the astrocytoma vs.
oligodendroglioma distinction during FS altogether. For
histologically malignant lesions, it may be sufficient to
express the presence of a high grade glioma, especially if
multiple mitotic figures, vascular proliferation or palisading
necrosis is present.
Tumors with neuronal background are often in the glioneuronal,
neurocytic or embryonal category, with the exception
of samples obtained from the periphery of diffuse gliomas
containing substantial amount of neuropil. While the
background in such samples of diffuse gliomas may appear
neuronal, the glial characteristics of the tumor are almost
always prominent in smears and tissue sections, allowing
the surgical pathologist to recognize diffuse glioma. The
differential diagnosis of smears with neuronal background
should also include embryonal tumors, especially in pediatric
patients. Level 2 and 3 observations will identify malignant
or high grade features in these tumors.
Distinguishing spindle cell neoplasms such as meningioma,
schwannoma or solitary fibrous tumor can be challenging
on FS. These spindle cell tumors are very similar on clinical
and radiological grounds. On level 1 all such lesions have a
mesenchymal background, yet cytological and architectural
clues may help to distinguish them from one another
[11]. Finding isometric, round or oval nuclei with the
train track sign is suggestive of a meningioma, whereas
a tumor with markedly irregular, pleomorphic nuclei and
highly cohesive tissue clusters may suggest schwannoma.
Most often, however, the differential diagnosis of benign
mesenchymal tumors is not of practical significance. The
FS diagnosis can simply be spindle cell neoplasm, no high
grade features and the specific diagnosis may be deferred
to permanent sections, especially for difficult lesions that
appear fibroblastic (Figure 3D-F).
If the background of the smear is not appropriately
recognized, the interpretation of a small blue round cell
tumor can be quite challenging on FS. Such tumors can
be embryonal neoplasms, lymphomas, malignant gliomas,
anaplastic ependymomas, or metastatic carcinomas,
neuroendocrine tumors or small cell sarcomas. A careful
review should identify the nature of the background and
allow recognition of ependymal, glial, or embryonal
tumors. Metastatic carcinomas would yield a dirty epithelial
background, while melanomas or sarcomas have partial
mesenchymal background characteristics.
Stage 3- Post-Analytical Phase
In the past, it has often been the custom to report whether
a diffuse glioma was astrocytic or oligodendroglial, as well as mention the presumed WHO Grade. Today,
understanding the genetic diversity and the importance
of IDH, ATRX, PT53 mutations as well as TERT, EGFR
and PTEN alterations forces us to be less definitive on the
type and grade of diffuse gliomas during FS. The presence
of nuclear atypia without aggressive histological features
is often little comfort, especially if the patient is older
(typically >65 years) or if there are worrisome radiological
features. Reporting of diffuse gliomas that appear low
grade on histology should always be made with caution
since a subsequent sample may show higher grade features
[20]. Studies highlight the caveat of undergrading tumors
in small samples or during FS procedures [3,11].
Tumors with clearly malignant or anaplastic features such
as numerous mitoses, vascular endothelial proliferation
(microvascular proliferation) or necrosis with or without
palisading are important clues for the recognition of a
high grade glioma. All these features must also consider
the importance of establishing an integrated final diagnosis
consistent with WHO 2016 criteria (see below).
Recognition of the mesenchymal or spindle cell features
may allow the pathologist to suggest a spindle cell tumor
without high grade features, which may be sufficient for
the patient management intraoperatively. While it may
be helpful to distinguish meningioma from schwannoma
or from a solitary fibrous tumor later, such distinctions
can easily be deferred to permanent sections. Grading of
spindle cell neoplasms such as meningiomas should be
avoided on FS.
In case of highly malignant neoplasm with a primitive
appearance, i.e. small-blue-round cell tumors, there is a good
reason to be able to sort out what type of primitive tumor
has been sampled. Primary neuroepithelial tumors should
be distinguished from malignant lymphomas or metastatic
tumors. If this distinction is not clear, the diagnosis is
essentially a deferral to permanent sections, and will most
certainly require special studies. Clinical and radiological
features must be evaluated with caution, and the age of the
patient should be taken into consideration when reporting
these lesions. It is also critical to directly communicate with
the neurosurgeon, because it may be sufficient to render
a diagnosis of neoplasm for practical purposes, and the
neurosurgeon may not need the pathologist to agonize over
a difficult, and often an impossible differential diagnosis.
What has changed with WHO 2016?
Diffuse glioma, no high grade features: Once the
tumor is identified as infiltrating or diffuse glioma, it
may not be necessary to subclassify tumors as either
astrocytoma or oligodendroglioma. Especially if there is
no radiological or histological evidence of a high grade
tumor, the FS diagnosis could be diffuse glioma, no
high grade features. Since there is always the possibility
of finding a higher grade component on permanent
sections, the statement of no high grade features on
FS may be used instead of low grade diffuse glioma
to avoid giving the impression that the FS diagnosis
suggests a final grade. It is more prudent to be remain
in a more general diagnostic category for the cases
that will typically require further genetic/molecular
Diffuse glioma, high grade: For tumors with glial
background, radiological and clinical features are
critical to determine their aggressive potential. Most
diffuse gliomas in the elderly, diffuse gliomas with
substantial (or ring) enhancement on MRI, histological
features such as vascular proliferation and necrosis are
most often high grade tumors. Histological evidence
of malignancy should prompt Diffuse glioma, high
grade designation. However, even in the absence of
histological evidence, the clinical and radiological
evidence may allow the pathologists to report the
tumor as Diffuse glioma, favor (or suspect) high grade
tumor. Diffuse gliomas in the midline with H3K27M
mutations are also considered WHO grade IV lesions,
so the possibility of this type of tumor may also lead
the pathologist to favor or suspect high grade diffuse
Low grade glioma, NOS: This nonspecific diagnosis
would imply a number of diagnostic possibilities and
is not appropriate as a final diagnosis. However, solid
tumors with no sign of aggressive features radiologically
and histologically may be reported as Low grade
glioma and a discussion with the surgeon about the
non-infiltrative nature of the tumor should be made.
This designation is best avoided for diffuse gliomas,
regardless of their FS appearance. For cases when a
diffuse glioma cannot be entirely excluded, it is best to
DEFER the diagnosis, since the designation of diffuse
versus non-infiltrative/solid tumor is an important one.
Embryonal Tumor, NOS: The term embryonal tumor
has replaced the old primitive neuroectodermal tumor category, and there is a larger list of tumor entities in
this group. Most embryonal tumors in the cerebellum
are diagnosed as medulloblastoma. However, before
one can clearly use this diagnosis, it is imperative to be
certain that it cannot be one of the recently described
tumor entities such as the embryonal tumor with
multilayered rosettes (ETMR), or atypical teratoid/
rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT). All of these tumors have a
neuronal-like background with small-blue-round cells,
but each has somewhat unique feature that may not be
readily apparent in FS. For tumors in the posterior fossa,
embryonal tumor, favor/suggest medulloblastoma
may be a better option than a simple medulloblastoma
since there are overlaps with the entities mentioned
above. In the rare supratentorial example, the
differential diagnosis includes even more entities, so
embryonal tumor or embryonal tumor, NOS could
be the diagnosis of choice until a better classification
is made on permanent sections. One important issue
in the differential diagnosis is recognizing pediatric
ependymal tumors within the posterior fossa that could
easily be confused with medulloblastoma.
Tissue for Molecular studies: Ever increasing number of
tumors require molecular characterization for accurate
typing and grading, and providing sufficient tissue for
these analyses is very important. It is imperative to be
aware of these tumors, secure enough material for the
appropriate studies, and alert the surgeon to the need
of extra tumor tissue for these studies during the FS
procedure. Tumors in this category may include all
diffuse gliomas including glioblastoma, all embryonal
tumors in the pediatric population, tumors with both
glial and neuronal elements, and any tumor that the
pathologist finds problematic in characterizing with
a high degree of confidence. A minimalistic list of
molecular studies would include IDH, ATRX, TP53,
SMARCB1 mutations MYC, C19MC, RELA, BRAF,
BCOR, MN1 rearrangements and chromosomes 1, 7,
10, 19 alterations. This list could be expanded and is
growing with every passing day.
Testing The Algorithm: Practical Utility
Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS Version
23 with Advanced Statistics Package. The McNemar Test
was used in the analysis of the differences between the
ratios of categorical variables in independent groups. The
Kappa Test was used to evaluate interobserver agreement
by the Online Kappa Calculator [21]. The concordance
between authors diagnosis, original frozen diagnosis and
final diagnosis were tested by Intraclass Correlation Test
and presented with 95% confidence intervals. A p value
less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. This
study was approved by the UCSF Committee for Human
Research (CHR 10-01252).
Awareness of the pertinent information that could affects
FS interpretation is critical in the pre-analytical phase of FS.
The clinical as well as radiological features are extremely
helpful in constructing the list of possible diagnoses
as well as those that would be improbable in a specific
clinical setting. Integration of patient demographics with
imaging helps to narrow the diagnostic possibilities, and
collaboration with expert neuroradiologists should be the
first choice of action. If a neuroradiologist is not available,
the surgical pathologist is left on her/his own resources
for the interpretation of radioimaging studies. This is
neither optimal nor advised, and inaccurate interpretation
of radioimaging characteristics can lead to significant
mistakes or unrealistic diagnoses.
The surgical pathologist should be familiar with the
situations that may lead the process astray in the analytical
phase, and must have a good understanding of the tissue
processing steps in order to identify/avoid errors. The
critical elements of this stage include appropriate tissue
procurement, processing and interpretation. Many studies
report that the use of intraoperative smears significantly
improves the diagnostic accuracy [1,7]. Therefore, use of
smears and the ability to interpret the features in smears are
critical. Certain nuclear and cytoplasmic details of tumor
cells are best appreciated on smear preparations. However,
smears do not permit a detailed assessment of architectural
features and the nature of the tumor-brain interface. Tissue
sections provide better information on the architectural
features, cellularity and extracellular environment.
The critical function of the surgical pathologist during the
post-analytical phase is the accurate and timely reporting
of the FS diagnosis. It is not appropriate to argue about the
necessity of any intraoperative consultation during surgery,
and the surgical pathologist could convey the ambiguity of
making certain diagnoses on FS to the neurosurgeon at a
less stressful time.
Many modifications of the WHO 2016 CNS tumor
classification and the subsequent clarifications have
changed the way FS diagnosis can be reported, and the two
major groups affected by these modifications are glial and embryonal tumors. A few points need to be made about
some diagnostic statements that can be used in compliance
with this classification:
Method: To determine its practical utility, the algorithm
was tested by three of the authors without formal
neuropathology training on a group of cases selected
from 3288 FS procedures performed in our institution
between 2013 and 2017. We reviewed all the FS procedures
during this period to acquire a sense of the frequency
and distribution of diagnoses and types of cases in our institution. Clinical and radiological information, original
FS diagnoses, and final pathology diagnoses for all cases
were reviewed by two of the authors (EC, TT). A subset
of 160 cases was selected by one of the authors (GEY) for
testing the algorithm by three of the authors (EC, GO,
CD). Each diagnosis was rendered by one of the authors.
The subset of cases for the study were identified among
cases with sufficient clinical and radiological information.
Original FS diagnoses were recorded for all cases, and the
final diagnoses were confirmed through additional special
studies and clinical follow-up information. The final
diagnoses for each case was considered the gold standard
(i.e. correct diagnosis). Three of the authors reviewed
the smears and tissue sections as well as the clinical
information that was available at the time of the original FS.
In addition, 30 of the cases were used in an interobserver
variability study. Each pathologist was asked to use a
checklist composed of the algorithmic steps (Figures 1,
2A,B) and to provide the diagnosis for which they felt
confident enough to report to the neurosurgeon. The use
of the algorithm required selecting options from a decision
tree and to identify a diagnostic category. The diagnoses
were then compared to the original FS diagnoses as well
as the final diagnoses. Concordance and interobserver
variability were evaluated to determine the effectiveness of
the algorithm. Discrepancies were defined as either major
or minor. Major discrepancy was defined as a difference
between two diagnoses (original FS versus final diagnosis;
algorithmic FS versus original FS diagnosis; algorithmic FS
versus final diagnosis) that would significantly alter patient
care, a change in the major diagnostic groups in the WHO classification, or a change in WHO grade of more than
1 level (e.g. WHO grade I to grade III or II to IV, or vice
versa). Minor discrepancy was defined as a change within
major diagnostic groups or a change in the WHO grade of
one [1] level AND no potential adverse effect on patient
Figure 4: The frequency of each tumor entity among all FS cases between 2013 and 2017.
There were 9 cases with major and 12 cases with minor diagnostic discrepancies between the algorithm-based diagnosis (authors diagnoses) and the final diagnosis (major discrepancy rate (5.6%). These discrepancies are presented on Table III. In addition, 12 cases showed major discrepancies between the original and the algorithmbased FS diagnoses. In addition, there were a total of 6 discrepancies between the original frozen diagnosis and final diagnosis (discrepancy rate 3.8%). Two of these diagnoses were rendered by surgical pathologists (neuropathologist discrepancy rate %2.5). Two of the original frozen section diagnoses were deferred to permanent sections (deferral rate 1.25%). Others were associated with grading or inadequate sampling. The concordance analysis is presented on Table IV.
Table III: Major discordance between authors diagnosis and the final diagnosis.
Table IV: Concordance between authors diagnoses and original frozen and final diagnoses.
Seven of the 9 major discrepancies fell into a particular type where the algorithm diagnosis and final diagnosis differed in neoplastic versus non-neoplastic diagnoses. The interobserver concordance was high among the authors, and the differences often emerged at level 4, when the pathologists were asked to select a specific diagnosis from the final list. Nevertheless, interobserver variability was quite low with high concordance in most tumor categories (Table V).
Table V: Interobsever variability.
Using the algorithm during the mock FS procedures helped identify general categories of tumors more easily and provided a standard checklist to remember. While this was difficult to quantify, specific questions and in the algorithm allowed pathologists to consider the options not considered originally in their differential diagnosis. Recognizing the smear background also allowed to start with a narrower list of differential diagnosis. The algorithm also led the pathologists to better define low grade and high grade features within the same categories. This was particularly helpful since in many occasions, the surgeons may be satisfied with a descriptive diagnosis or a category rather than a specific entity.
In the present study, the pathologists using the algorithm most often misdiagnosed non-neoplastic lesions, since the algorithm had focused on identifying tumors and the nonneoplastic possibilities were often overlooked (7 of 9 major discrepancies). This was interpreted as a typical cueing error, since the participants were focused on identifying the type of tumors in the slides. This was particularly important because once the surgical pathologists committed themselves to either a neoplastic process, it was very difficult to change course. Therefore, the most critical stage prior to the application of the algorithm was recognized as the first stage when the question is it neoplastic or non-neoplastic? is being determined. This was also due to the fact that the number of non-neoplastic lesions is often very low in surgical pathology practice, and the recognition of the non-neoplastic lesions often requires keeping them in mind and being familiar with their frozen section appearance.
The two other major discrepancies were related to the grade of the neoplasm (is it high grade or low grade?). However, one of the critical issues in this exercise was the limited amount of information, and in both cases, the pertinent clinical information not immediately available during frozen section (prior diagnosis of oligodendroglioma in one case and radiological diagnosis of central neurocytoma in the other). In real life, it would have been easier to correctly diagnose these cases.
While there were other minor discrepancies related to individual factors, the authors have reached a differential list containing the correct diagnosis in the overwhelming majority of the cases. The algorithm was not fool-proof, and additional information and scrutiny would have certainly helped in the discrepancies. Due to the nature of the study, there was no opportunity to contact the clinician or review radiological findings or further scrutinize the cases, which makes us believe that the discrepancies could have been minimized if the suggestions above for the pre-analytical phase could be followed.
One limitation in this study is the potential cuing or bias that may be present among the observers. While each pathologist independently reviewed the slides and used the algorithm, they communicated freely and routinely during their daily practice while conducting the study. This interaction could have introduced a certain level of bias in the use of the algorithm, leading to a high level of interobserver concordance. Further studies will be needed to determine the interobserver variability and utility of the algorithm among pathologists working in different settings and independent of each other.
One of the other limitations of this validation study is the lack of comparison with other algorithms or attempt at diagnosis without an algorithm. However, the participants in this study preferred to use guidance for frozen section diagnosis, since they had already begun analysis with the algorithm. Therefore, they could not be used as unbiased observers. Currently, studies are being designed to evaluate this algorithm in different settings, larger samples and the actual practice environment to better define the contribution of the algorithm to the confidence of pathologists for CSN frozen sections.
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