Material and Method: Twenty-nine cases diagnosed in a single center were included in the study and evaluated with their 81 surgical specimens, (29 primary tumors, 47 recurrent lesions and five metastatic foci) regarding their matrix formation (myxoid, chondroid), cellular features, (pleomorphism, necrosis, inflammatory infiltration), patterns of proliferation (solid, trabecular, mixed) and Ki-67 proliferation indices.
Results: Eleven of the cases were females (37.9%) while 18 of them were males (62.1%) with a mean age of 54.1±14.6 (ranged between age 23-78 years). Thirty-eight percent of tumors were located in sacrococcigeal region followed by skull base and vertebrae (31% for both). Skull base chordomas which occured in younger patients (p=0.048) showed more trabecular pattern (p=0.04), chondroid matrix (p=0.063), lower Ki-67 (p=0.146) and longer disease-free survival (p=0.021). In contrast, tumors located in vertebrae, showed more “atypical” morphology with solid pattern, nuclear pleomorphism and dedifferentiation, higher Ki-67 indices and shorter disease-free survivals (p=0.021). Sacral tumors were the “intermediate group” which occurred in older patients, and demonstrated average Ki-67 proliferation indices and disease-free survivals.
Conclusion: Vertebral localization, probably in relation with both histologic features and failure of surgery, appeared as a significant risk factor for recurrence and Ki-67 proliferation index retained its potential to predict disease-free survival.
Ki-67 was used as a proliferation marker and it was searched immunohistochemically (clone: MIB-1, DAKO, DENMARK, 1/150 diluted) in selected blocks of the 29 cases. One thousand cells were counted and percent ratio of positive nuclear staining was recorded as the Ki-67 proliferation index (Ki-67 PI).
Clinical information and follow-up data were obtained from the Neurosurgery Department and complemented by recent telephone interviews of the patients or their family members. The mean follow-up period was 176- months (range: 6-288 months). Recent clinical information could not be obtained in 4 of the cases and they were not included in the analysis of follow-up results. The type of surgery was classified as described by Kawaguchi et al [18]. “Wide/curative excision” could be achieved only in 4 of the 29 cases while 25 were treated by “intralesional surgery”. Wide/curative-excised tumors (n=4) were all located in the sacrococcygeal region and treated with sacrectomy, while tumors located in the vertebra and skull base could only be treated with intralesional surgery (n=25). In two of these 25 cases, the intent of the surgical approach was initially “wide/ curative excision” but “intralesional surgery” was decided upon on further examination as the surgical margins were found to be positive in microscopic examination. Of these 25 cases, a total of 22 cases received radiotherapy (RT) (11 after the initial operation, and 10 cases after the occurrence of recurrences while one case received RT both after the initial operation and the onset of recurrences). None of the cases received preoperative RT. Disease-free survival (DFS) was defined as the length of time after the initial surgery during which no disease is found until the first recurrence or metastasis.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical evaluation was carried on a PC-based analysis
programme SPSS (15.0). Whenever appropriate, chi-square
or Fisher’s exact tests were used for the statistical analysis
of the difference in incidence of clinical and histological
findings such as gender, localization, recurrence, metastasis,
microscopic presence of necrosis, inflammatory infiltration,
nuclear pleomorphism, dedifferentiation, chondroid or
myxoid matrix production and pattern of proliferation.
Differences in Ki-67 PI were estimated by using the Mann-
Whitney-U and Kruskall-Wallis tests. The t-test was
applied when searching the relationship between age and
DFS. The relationships among age, localization, gender and
histological features were investigated by ANOVA analysis
and the Duncan test. Kaplan-Meier survival curves with the
log-rank test were used for survival analysis. A p value <.05
was accepted as significant.
Histopathological Features
There was considerable variability in the appearance of the
tumors from area to area in terms of matrix composition
or cellular features (Figure 1B). Histopathological findings
of the tumors and their relationship with recurrences were
summarized in Table I.
Table I: Distribution of histologic features according to localization, gender, age and recurrences
Nuclear pleomorphism (Figure 1C), necrosis and inflammatory reaction were observed in more than half of the cases. Although statistically insignificant, necrosis and inflammatory reaction were slightly more frequent in males and in tumors located in the sacrum (Table I). All of the sixteen tumors showing inflammatory reaction demonstrated lymphocyte and plasma cell-predominant mixed inflammation. The type of inflammation was therefore not statistically correlated with the outcome.
Only one of the cases, located in the vertebrae, initially manifested a dedifferentiated form but two additional cases, also located in the vertebrae, showed dedifferentiation in their recurrences (data not shown). Chondroid appearance (Figure 1D) was observed in 6 cases, 4 of which were located in the skull base. Cases whose tumors were located in the skull base were also younger than those with vertebral and sacral tumors (p=0.048). The trabecular pattern was the most frequent pattern followed by mixed and solid patterns and was more frequent in cases located in skull base (p=0.04) (Table I). Cases with tumors showing nuclear pleomorphism, mixed pattern of proliferation or sacral localization were older than the rest of the patient population (Table I).
Figure 1D: Tumor with chondroid matrix. It can mimic hyaline matrix (asterisk) (H&E, x100).
Although the cases with necrosis, inflammatory infiltration and solid pattern of proliferation recurred more frequently, no significant correlation was observed between the investigated histological features and the presence of recurrence (Table II).
21 (72.4%) of the 29 cases recurred and 6 (20.7%) showed
metastases radiologically. In five of these six cases,
metastatectomy materials were examined histologically
while one of the cases could not be operated on and thus lacked histological confirmation. All metastasizing cases
showed recurrences prior to occurrence of metastases apart
from one case. Histopathological features of the primary
tumors were also evaluated for their predictive value for
foreseeing metastasis without any statistically significant
Number of recurrences ranged between 1 and 7 times. The mean DFS period was 24 months (range: 3-72 months with a 95% CI of 20-41 months). A 5-year DFS was found in 20% of the cases. Metastatic tumors originated from the vertebrae (n=4), and sacrum (n=2). Three of the tumors located in the vertebrae showed only lung metastases, while the fourth one showed additional costal and liver metastasis. One of the sacral tumors metastasized to rectum while the other one showed bone and lymph node metastasis in addition to lung metastasis. None of the tumors located in skull base showed metastasis. No further treatment was administered in one of these metastatic cases while metastatectomy was performed in 5. An “extramarginal” excision could be done in only one of these metastatectomy approaches while the procedure was regarded as “intralesional surgery” with compensatory RT in four. The overall survival rate of patients was 70%, and 17 patients remained alive while 8 died during the follow-up period. Four of 29 patients including one metastatic case did not attend follow-up visits after the first recurrence.
Relationships Between Ki-67 and Other Clinic and
Morphological Parameters
The mean Ki-67 PI values of the tumors were 5.48±7.83%
(range 0-28%). The mean Ki-67 PI scores and DFS period
according to clinicopathological parameters were given in
Table II. Tumors having pleomorphic nuclear changes and
a solid pattern of proliferation had a significantly higher
Ki-67 PI than tumors with classic nuclear features that
were “non-solid” (trabecular/mixed patterns) (p=0.006
and p=0.031, respectively). In contrast, cases with myxoid
matrix had lower Ki-67 PIs (p=0.028) (Table II). Vertebral
tumors with necrosis, inflammatory infiltration and also
tumors of female patients had higher Ki-67 PIs (Table
II) without any statistical significance. Recurrent tumors
had higher mean Ki-67 values relative to non-recurring
ones (6.14±8.23 and (3.75±6.86, respectively) without any
statistical significance. The mean Ki-67 in metastasizing
and non-metastasizing cases was also similar (5.67±7.67
versus 3.75±6.01 respectively).
Factors Influencing DFS (Recurrence)
Cases with nuclear pleomorphism and chondroid/myxoid
matrix had longer DFS while the cases with inflammatory infiltration and solid pattern of proliferation had shorter
DFS, although statistically insignificant. DFS was also
shorter in females.
Recurring cases were younger than the non-recurring ones 52.43±14.17 (range: 23-73) vs. 58.62±16.04 (37-78). Tumors located in vertebrae recurred significantly more frequently than those located in sacrum and skull base (9 recurring tumors in vertebrae vs. 8 and 4 tumors located in the sacrum and skull base, respectively p=0.031). Mean DFS for cases with vertebral tumors was also shorter (15 months vs. 30 and 49 months for cases whose tumors were located in the sacrum and skull base, p=0.021). The type of surgical approach, “wide/curative excision” or “intralesional surgery”, was the most important parameter predicting DFS. All recurring cases were previously treated by intralesional surgery so they had positive surgical margins. In contrast, none of the sacrectomy cases treated with “wide/curative excision” recurred, although one of them presented with metastases to bone, lymph nodes and lungs, 5 years (60 months) aft er initial surgery without showing any prior recurrence. Mean DFS time was 25 months for cases treated with “intralesional surgery”. Postoperative radiotherapy did not prolong DFS. Eight of 11 cases that received RT aft er “intralesional surgery” recurred in a shorter mean period of 23 months (Figures 2, 3).
Figure 2: Kaplan-Meier disease-free survival curve. The Y-axis shows survival probability
Factors Influencing Metastasis
Only six of the cases showed metastases and no correlation
was found between the histopathological features and Ki-
67 indices of primary tumors and presence of metastases.
Besides, the histopathological features of metastatic tumors
were not notably different.
In contrast, vertebral tumors harboured more atypical features with nuclear pleomorphism and a solid pattern of proliferation. The only initially dedifferentiated tumor was also seen in this localization. Ki-67 PI was higher than in other localizations and all cases recurred in the meantime. The surgical difficulties should also be considered in addition to these, more “atypical” features. Sacral tumors were characterized by necrosis, inflammatory infiltration and myxoid matrix. The Ki-67 PI and DFS were in an intermediate stage between tumors located in the skull base and vertebrae. They occurred in older patients, which led us to think that these histological features were late events in the course of the disease. We were unable to find an association between atypical histopathology, and disease outcome and most of the previous studies failed to show such an association[13,15,17,21] Chambers et al., found a relationship between nuclear pleomorphism and metastasis in classical chordoma[7]. Naka et al., claimed that nuclear pleomorphism served as a prognostic marker only when applied to tumors located other than skull base[11].
We also searched Ki-67 PI of tumors and correlated them with DFSs. The relationship of histological features and Ki-67 PI is not well established because of the rarity of the studies on the issue. In one of the most detailed studies on proliferation indices, Naka et al., found a higher proliferation index in lesions with increased nuclear pleomorphism[5]. Age, recurrence, and nuclear pleomorphism were the independent factors indicating higher Ki-67 PI in skull base chordomas[11,22] while no correlation was found for chordomas in other locations[11]. Sell et al stated that Ki-67 PI was not an independent prognostic marker but had a potential to predict survival in cases with nuclear pleomorphism and atypical features[23]. Regardless of its prognostic value, it must be kept in mind that proliferation markers have to be evaluated with caution since the divergent areas may present different proliferation indices[24]. We found higher Ki-67 PI scores in tumors with solid areas, nuclear pleomorphism and chondroid areas although the associations did not reach statistical significance. Tumors having a solid pattern of proliferation had a higher Ki-67 PIs than those with trabecular and mixed patterns, probably related with the increased cellularity in the former pattern. Correlation of higher Ki-67 PIs with solid growth pattern of proliferation is controversial. This correlation was found to be indeed insignificant in a study, although a significant correlation was suggested previously by the same group[5,11]. The only case with dedifferentiated areas had an apparently higher Ki-67 score than the rest of the cases (25% vs. 5.48%, respectively). Higher Ki-67 PI scores were also observed in cases with inflammatory tissue response, a feature, which to our knowledge was not defined in the literature before. Given the fact that most of this inflammatory infiltrate is comprised of lymphocytes, one may regard them as tumors harbouring reactive lymphocytes but still the presence of polimorphonuclear leucocytes in primary tumors needs further investigation. The present study revealed that Ki-67 PI was also higher in tumors located in vertebrae, but has an inclination to decline with age in contrast to previous reports suggesting that it increased with aging[11] DFS was also found to be longer in tumors located in the skull base, in agreement with reviews suggesting a favorable course for skull base chordomas[14]. In the present study, recurrence was significantly more frequent in tumors located in vertebrae (p=0.031) and DFS was accordingly shorter (p=0.021). Given the fact that Ki- 67 PI was also higher in tumors located in vertebrae, this association can be regarded as alarming for shorter DFS at least for tumors in this location. We find this observation important since it was not emphasized in previous reports. This finding may suggest growth of a residual tumor other than progressive tumoral proliferation in recurring cases. The most important parameter that affects survival seems to be the localization of tumor since it directly influences the effectiveness of surgery. Ki-67 PI is likely to predict DFS indirectly.
There are several reports suggesting radiotherapy following surgery as it prolongs DFS[25,26] or alters overall survival[2,27]. We did not observe a significant difference between the radiotherapy applied group and the others. To our surprise, DFS was even shorter in this group. It is likely that this group of patients were more prone to local recurrence since the initial surgery was “more” ineffective.
In conclusion, we searched for possible histological prognostic factors to predict DFS in cases with recurring chordomas. Although no significant correlation was found between nuclear pleomorphism, dedifferentiation, presence of myxoid or chondroid matrix, acute and chronic inflammatory reaction and disease recurrence, we identified some discriminating features with respect to the localization of tumors. Skull base chordomas occur in younger patients and have more “indolent” morphology and course with trabecular pattern of proliferation, and chondroid matrix. Ki-67 PI is comparatively lower and DFS is longer than the others. In contrast, tumors located in vertebrae present with more “atypical” morphology with solid pattern of proliferation, nuclear pleomorphism and dediferentiation having higher Ki-67 PI and shorter DFS. Sacral located tumors were the “intermediate group” occurring in older patients showing necrosis, inflammatory infiltration and myxoid matrix with average Ki-67 PIs and DFS periods. Among the factors evaluated, vertebral localization appeared to be a significant risk factor for recurrence and Ki-67 PI retained its potential to predict DFS. The completeness of surgery is the single most important prognostic parameter that affects DFS. Among the evaluated clinicopathological findings including Ki-67 PI, none were found to be valuable in predicting metastasis. More clinicopathological studies are needed for better understanding of the relationship between histopathological features and disease outcome in chordoma.
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