Epithelioid sarcoma is a soft tissue sarcoma of young adults and the most common locations are fingers, hand and forearm. The tumor is often multinodular showing central necrosis. Epithelioid cells with large, eosinophilic cytoplasm and spindle cells are both seen. Epithelial membran antigen (EMA), cytokeratin and vimentin are always positive. The histogenesis of the tumor is debatable. The tumor has a high potential of local recurrence and metastasis and must be treated with radical excision. Five cases of epithelioid sarcoma were presented. One patient was female. The median age was 28. The tumor locations were finger, hand or forearm. Three cases had died with distant metastasis. One patient had local recurrence. One patient was lost for follow-up. Follow-up ranged from 2 - 5.5 years.