Turkish Journal of Pathology

Türk Patoloji Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Pathology

Turkish Journal of Pathology

2007, Vol 23, Num, 2     (Pages: 087-092)

A quality improvement program in pathology

Alp USUBÜTÜN 1, Özay GÖKÖZ 1, Pınar FIRAT 1, Arzu SUNGUR 1

1 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, ANKARA

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Quality becomes an important measure for pathology reporting. Accreditation is one of the principal ways for quality assurance. In this study, Anatomic Pathology Checklist defined by College of American Pathologists is used as a guide by Quality Control Committee formed as a prerequisite for laboratory accreditation of our department to evaluate 1 year period, compare the results with previous periods and test the reliability of this reference. The committee choose 94 relevant criteria out of 104. Unmet criteria and causes for these are searched for. A Physician Satisfaction Survey was applied. A problem record notebook was put on desk to ascertain the problems throughout the process. Last results are compared with the first data; problems and solutions are discussed.

At the end of the study, 87.2% of criteria were met. Priority was given to some of the problems according to the results of survey and evaluation of parameters. Average turnaround time decreased to 3.5 days when the pathologists were informed about this measurement. Frozen section turnaround time decreased to less than 20 minutes in 63% of cases after frozen section unit was transferred to the operating theatre. Notebook served for the quick catch up of problems and work-ups of solutions or prevention. Controls were formed for histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Unmet 8 criteria were about turnaround time, intra- and interdepartmental consultation which requires extra work and concensus among people and, technical issues.

Quality control and quality assurance methods should be used for reports bearing accurate diagnosis and data concerning treatment and, preparation for accreditation. By this way, working procedures are formed, problems are easily seen, favourable results as compared to pre-evaluation period could be obtained by discussion of suggested solutions.

Keywords : Pathology, quality control