Testicular tumors are rare, and constitute 1-2% of all malignant tumors in men. Since the possibility of total recovery is high, mortality is reported to be as low as 0.1%. Although they can be diagnosed at any age, their incidence peaks in the 4th decade. The most common, hence the most important tumor type of the organ is germ cell origin. The distribution and incidence of the various histological subtypes differ according to age. Usually they present as a unilateral, painless swelling.
In this study, 574 orchiectomy cases sent to Uludag University Medical School Department of Surgical Pathology for histopatologic evaluation between 1977 and 2006 were analyzed retrospectively for testicular tumors. Patients' age, tumor site and clinical findings were obtained from the hospital files. Tumors were reclassified according to 2004 World Health Organization's Classification. As a summary, a series of 139 testicular tumors were found in this 30-year period. The general characteristics of our series were in accord with the reports in literature.