More details should be added with regard to the area of pathology. First about advantages: English language is used in the medical education and for clinical records in hospitals; rather new literature is used both in histopathology and in clinical departments, although, in general, there is a shortage of modern books. Two editions were mainly used in the Department of Pathology: Ackerman's Surgical Pathology and the Lever's Histopathology of the Skin. Pathologists have high level of knowledge, are responsible and attentive while performing histopathological examinations. Some of them had studied or practiced in Western countries. There is modern equipment in the Department, but a part of it, e.g. a freezing microtome and an automatic tissue processor, were out of use because of insufficient servicing and shortage of chemicals. Only hematoxylin and eosin stain was applied in histopathology in Baghdad Teaching Hospital; but special stains, immunohistochemistry, and other modern methods were performed by some private laboratories, thus being, in principle, available for patients. Intra-departmental consultations were frequent and efficient; in fact, difficult cases were examined by all pathologists of the Department. External consultations with participation of specialists from other institutions were less frequent, but they were performed in case of indications, such as in an osteoblastoma case discussed below. With regard to the continuing medical education, it is difficult to give a comprehensive overview from a position of a volunteer in a Department of Pathology, but there were residents and rotators in the Department, who were highly motivated and demonstrated a good level of professional knowledge. With regard to the residents in clinical departments, as mentioned above, their number was rather high in the Medical City of Baghdad, while not all of them were regularly engaged in professional activity.
Some drawbacks in the practice of pathology should be mentioned, which obviously resulted from shortage of adequately trained technical personnel, although technicians are skilled and can produce high quality specimens. Confusion of specimens sometimes occurred. Sets of histological slides were sometimes given to the pathologists incompletely, some blocks being left uncut. Histological specimens were not always clearly marked. The room for gross dissection had neither ventilation nor air conditioning. Biopsies were often left “until tomorrow”, sometimes because of lacking clinical data. Telephonic contact with clinicians was relatively seldom. Pathologists obtain clinical information mainly from patients or their relatives, who bring specimens to the laboratory. This practice has advantages: pathologists can examine a patient or perform a fine-needle aspiration. If necessary, a patient can be asked to bring X-ray, CT, or other additional information; for example, a complicated diagnosis of a bone tumor (osteoblastoma in a child) was successfully made in this way and later confirmed by an external consultation. On the other hand, specimens are often put aside “until the patient comes”, and can be left for many days. There were no special programs of quality control; although they would be useful for ensuring of more reliable work of the laboratory, preventing specimen confusion, guaranteeing cutting of all blocks, clear marking of specimens and so forth. No autopsies were performed in the Medical City of Baghdad. No special regulations existed with regard to the waste disposal, and the waste from the department of pathology was disposed together with other waste from the hospital. Used formalin and other solutions were purred out into the sewerage. Another drawback was an often inadequate formalin fixation of specimens in clinical departments, both of small biopsies and of large surgical specimens, which sometimes resulted in tissue autolysis (this problem was prominent also at the Basra Teaching Hospital). The problem was partly caused by lack of suitable containers for fixation, and the specimens were placed into plastic pockets. We discussed it with clinicians in the Medical City of Baghdad, and a tendency of improvement was noticed.
To conclude optimistically, it must be said that health care in Iraq has essential prerequisites for successful development. Shortages and difficulties were partly caused by mismanagement at the time of the previous regime and are probably temporary in their nature. Unfortunately, health care authorities and hospital managers sometimes belittle and disregard some internally solvable problems, even if a solution can be found. Possible suggestions for those who will want to help out include different kinds of material aid[3], although supplies have been improving during last years[4]. Considering shortage of modern professional literature, donations to Iraqi medical institutions of books, e.g. previous editions of handbooks and manuals becoming unnecessary after acquisition of newer editions, would help to improve diagnostics. Telepathology and online consultations, exemplified by the program International Consultants in Medicine[5], are also helpful for the same purpose. Volunteering and clinical attachments of foreign pathologists or other medical specialists are particularly useful because they enable to see internal problems from another viewpoint, which can be helpful in finding solutions. This approach would be useful also in the former Soviet Union[2].
1) Jargin SV: Nursing and security in Iraqi hospitals: internally
solvable problems. J Pak Med Assoc 2009, 59: 124 [ Özet ]
2) Jargin SV: The practice of pathology in Russia: On the eve of
modernization. Basic and Appl Pathol 2010, 3:70-73
3) Al Sheibani BI, Hadi NR, Hasoon T: Iraq lacks facilities and
expertise in emergency medicine. BMJ 2006, 333: 847 [ Özet ]
4) Sansom C: The ghost of Saddam and UN sanctions. Lancet Oncol
2004, 5: 143-145 [ Özet ]
5) Voelker R: Iraq's prescription for violent barriers to health care:
cell phones and e-mail. JAMA 2008, 300:637-638 [ Özet ]